I am posting this, not to talk about the homes itself, but to - TopicsExpress


I am posting this, not to talk about the homes itself, but to point something out. Have you ever noticed that a lot of news articles are more and more using the old bible names of states that deal with the endtime? For example this article, written by the Jerusalem Post uses the name Judea and Samaria, rather then Gaza Strip and the West Bank. I think its funny how satan attempts to confuse people by inspiring man to call them different names then what God Himself named them. The following nations have changed their name throughout history. Abimael, Obal, Sheleph and Uzal = Yemen Ammon, Moab and Edom = Jordan Amor(ites) = Eastern Israel Arabia = Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and some of Iraq and Jordan Aram = Syria Arkites = Lebanon Ashkenaz = Germany Asshur(ites) = Northern Iraq Assyria = Iraq Canaan(ites) = Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon Caphtor(ites) = Crete Cush = Ethiopia and some of Sudan, Somalia and Yemen (and possibly more of northern Africa) Decapolis = Northwestern Jordan and a small part Israel Dedan, Ophir, Jobab and Sheba = Saudi Arabia Girgashites = Western Jordan Gomer = Ukraine Javan = Greece Magog, Rus and Rosh = Russia Midian = Western Saudi Arabia and Southern Jordan Mizraim = Egypt Philistia = Palestine Phoenicia = Lebanon Persia = Iran and some of Iraq Phut/Put = Libya and some of Egypt and North Africa Riphath = Europe Scythia = Southern Russia Sinites = Chinese Togarmah = Parts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan and Armenia Tarshish = Carthage Tiras = Italy Tubal = Turkey Biblical city names and the nations or cites of today it represents : Alexandria = Southeastern Turkey (Coastal) Antioch = Northwest Syria (Coastal) - present day Hatay Athens, Berea, Corinth, Philippi and Thessalonica = Greece Babylon = Iraq Cyrene = Northwest Libya Damascus = Syria Ephesus, Pergamum and Smyrna = Western Turkey Elishah = Sicily Haran and Padan-aram = Eastern Syria Jebus = Jerusalem Iconium and Lystra = Central Turkey Kittim = Cyprus Meshech = Moscow Shechem = Nablus Shinar = Iraq - Ancient Babel and present day Babylon Sidon and Tyre = Western Lebanon (Coastal) Smyrna = Izmir Tarsus = Eastern Turkey Ur = Southeastern Iraq I hope this helps those who are trying to understand the endtime. If you go by this chart, it will not be nearly as confusing to compare the world stage right now and the time we live in, to Gods word.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:07:27 +0000

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