I am posting this on behalf of my friend, Rebecca Litchfield, as - TopicsExpress


I am posting this on behalf of my friend, Rebecca Litchfield, as she was blocked from this forum by its moderator Skeleton Key. She hadnt actually posted anything to get blocked. This is a message she wanted everyone to read. As last night at 10pm she received a malicious text pretending to be a police officer and making wild accusations that her and her group made a theft at the underwater ballroom after they took photos there on Saturday and that she needed to contact the police. She has since talked to the police with crime reference number CS49 13Nov and they have advised her to call another number to take it further, but she is giving this individual the opportunity to say who they are before she does this. It is not cool to harass and accuse a woman at 10pm on a Sunday night in this way and this is trolling taken one step too far. This post will probably be removed from this group, anything that goes against Skeleton Key isnt given the light of day, in fact is only dicussed in secret forums where people arent allowed to fight their case. I hope it will be shared on other groups to let everyone know that this kind of behaviour is not on. James posted this crew shot photo on his personal Facebook wall (and hey its a nice photo right? Mates together having fun together, thats what its all about right? Having fun, taking photos?) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10154667912260212&set=a.10150169173155212.423139.643310211&type=1&theater¬if_t=like We went to a location as a group of 5 friends, arrived before light, took some photos, we were quite and left. Taking a couple of photos of Amanda while inside, pretty much in the same way most people would do a crew shot. Big deal! I took a dress in my camera bag. We didnt get caught, though on our journey home we joked with each other about a man with a big shot gun chasing us across the lake and shooting at our boat and sinking, (but yeah that didnt actually happen lol) it all seems so surreal what we had just done. We saw a video a month ago, which gave us the info we needed on how to get in, we didnt break and enter. The video was public and pretty much showed how to get in, the video was viewed thousands of time and people have come and gone since, who is Skeleton Key to say who can and cant. Its pretty obvious a boat is required people have gone for years and posted photos and videos going across the lake. So many locations kept away from others in secret elite forums and then when they are done, allow the non elite to see them, (If they dont get them sealed first) thanks!! But what he doesnt realise is there are urbexers outside of his group that can also go if they want to. Some of us dont like to be members of forums and all this drama is why. I didnt think there were rules about who can and cant go. If you want to go somewhere then go! Thats what we did. How are we even meant to know its such a big secret when we arent in this secret forum, where theres talk about it being a secret. James has posted a group shot in the ballroom as many have done before. This place has been around for years its even been in the Daily Mail, dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2058772/Witley-Park-Surrey-The-story-Whitaker-Wright-Britains-bizarre-folly.html Places come and go and then come and go all over again many times, its the way it is. Just see them while you can, dont turn up in huge groups, dont break and enter, leave them how you found them, dont get caught, dont post info about the locations, dont sell them to the media and let others enjoy seeing them through your photos. Thats what we have done, why is it ok not to post a photo on Facebook, but to make a full report on your forum? Its funny that in a hobby where we are breaking the rules, people like Skeleton Key come along and make so many! In the end of the day most of these places will die their death eventually.. They are all decaying, just enjoy them while you can and stop ruining others fun. I have a feeling any negative comments in this photo will be from those who havent been yet and want to, then why dont you? Us going hasnt got it sealed, intact I have heard stories from various people getting caught over the last few weeks, but not us. Even yesterday I hear tales of people arriving in broad daylight and getting caught, I also hear that a group had gone in daylight again and seen orange vested people on the island, so it looks like someone has got this place sealed yesterday, it was not us when others have been since and got caught. This place has been open for over a month now, so we felt as a group it had given the elite plenty of time to go if they wanted. I havent even posted a photo yet and yet i get all this hatred from this man. My other friend has received threats from SK after putting up his images last week. And also suspicious emails from the owner and when my mate said he was welcome to call (giving him his number) he never got a call it was quite obvious it was from the SK, now thats just malicious and a step too far. And now I am receiving text from supposed police officers wanting to talk about thefts, Im not saying this was SK, but I have my suspicions on who did this and I cant get over how hateful some people can be, I do this for fun, hanging out with my friends and making photos, there is no need for all this urbex drama all the time I think its time for people to stand up to Skeleton Keys elitist urbex bible and preaching.. The urbex world where no one does anything right apart from his group of friends.. If you are sick of the preaching this is your chance to say Ay And lets see if he will allow this post to run it course
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:00:47 +0000

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