I am posting this silly little video. Its all I can do. A few - TopicsExpress


I am posting this silly little video. Its all I can do. A few years ago, a tipping point of our war on terrorism was reached---when huge throngs of the Western-friendly Iranian populace (the Greens) rose up to throw out their hard-core religious leaders and demanded the freedoms we take for granted (and abuse). They came THIS >< close, and OUR government promised them support...and then reneged at the critical moment. This would have been the first time the populace of a Middle Eastern Islamic state kicked their militant theocratic dictators out...kick out the IDEOLOGY, not just a figurehead. It was sure to have been a severe wound (if not a death blow) to the recruitment of more suicidal lunatics and their hordes, and perhaps precipitated the fall of more theocratic governments that support terrorism and fanatic Islamic hatred for you, me, our children and every living thing not Halal. That critical moment: There was a video of a young girl killed by a government sharpshooter---she was just walking down the street, toward the protest---and she died choking on her own blood before your eyes. I told my wife, Andi, This is IT! Theres NO WAY Americans can see this and not feel we should help our allies fighting WITHIN Iran! But, no, we reneged. The Iranian Mullahs and Clerics were on the very verge of running for their lives, the Iranian Police Force was defecting in scores, the Army was teetering....but as soon as our current government said, Well...um....Hang on a sec, we changed our mind...well get back to you...., the bloodbath was on, the protesters arrested, many shot, and the movement collapsed. This was the moment that could have spared or ended much or all the pain and waste that so many here on Facebook are so quick to plop on their political opposites, who now moan about what so-and-so did to turn back the tide of radical Islamic terrorism. Think about it: ...an overthrow of a radical, terror-supporting government in FAVOR of Western reforms, by its own people...but not a peep THEN from these same computer-chair warriors. Now, the Iranian government has arrested these kids for making a video about ...get this... BEING HAPPY, for Christs sake! It is, and I quote, a vulgar clip which hurt public chastity...watch it and see how offensive it is. The Iranian government pulled it from Youtube. I repost it here. I wish you would, too. The more Iranians and moderate Muslims see it, perhaps the more ridiculous the regime will look. Maybe theyll try again. youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RYnLRf-SNxY#t=0
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 18:26:24 +0000

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