I am posting this today as an appeal to all my friends to pay - TopicsExpress


I am posting this today as an appeal to all my friends to pay attention when the parent of a child mentions that they are keeping certain foods from their children for various reasons. In the past I too have had reservations about all the allergies children today seem to have. I used to think, oh come on, why all of a sudden cant children have peanuts or foods with dyes. We all had them and were fine. Then my own daughter began noticing that the dyes in foods affected one of her children and asked that we all stop giving the children food with dyes in them (particularly red). So I began to research and found out that there is a correlation and so I am committed to do my part and keep them from my grandchildren. It is comical at the grocery store to watch my husband and I now read every label and it is astounding to realize all the food that we do not keep in the house any more for fear that they would get into it. And yesterday we found out first hand what my daughter and her husband go through when one child in particular gets red dye. Yesterday we had the children for the entire day beginning when they first woke up. We noticed fairly quickly that something was not right with one of the children. First he was cooperative and then just as quickly he was argumentative. He was crying, then laughing. He would scream uncontrollably and then start laughing hysterically. He was shoving his brothers and then asking them to play. It was like there were two personalities at war within him. After we got some protein in him and had him sit as quietly as he could with an I Pad to play a game, things slowly got better. It was horrifying to think about what was going on in his little head. I can only imagine how confusing it is for him to feel this way. So the next time someone asks you to please not give their child certain foods, please listen. They are asking for a reason. And believe me it is not just for their own want of keeping things from their children. It is hard on them and takes a lot of effort. The least we can do is honor their request. You do not even want to experience what I did yesterday because it was painful seeing one I love so much suffer like that.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:20:07 +0000

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