I am preparing a volume,. among other volumes, on grimoiric - TopicsExpress


I am preparing a volume,. among other volumes, on grimoiric magic. I do not want to rant endlessly withot aim and I also do not want to ignore certain things you might want to find out. The deal is: ask me any questions you might want to see answered, no matter how general or how small, and after rearranging them on topics an subjects and such they will be the premise of my book, detailing solomonic magic in all its glorious knitty gritty bits. You can post as many questions as you want. They will be anonymous. I choose that because I want to me fair to all and not choose one poster s questions more, and second of all, a book of magical dialogues would look odd of a chapter begins like: Storm_Wyzarrd69 asked: or BabalonsTits97 asked, and so forth. Are you game? Remember this thread is just about posting questions, not answers, if you have a problem with someone s question, either hold it in and take it out on stray cats, or ask a balancing question. Thank you in advance for the help!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 08:14:24 +0000

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