I am pretty excited today. But first some background: When I - TopicsExpress


I am pretty excited today. But first some background: When I was a kid, I was fascinated by Morse code and thought it would be fun to learn. But we were really poor and there was no chance we would ever have been able to afford a radio of any kind back then. Heck, we didnt even have a car. My how the world has changed. It wasnt as simple as jumping online back then. We lived in a small town and our Dad left us. So there wasnt any real reason to learn code and I was fairly clueless about creating my own keyer or becoming a Ham and being a girl, well in those days gals were still in the kitchen or pregnant, especially in the area I lived. So many years passed (could it really have been almost 30 years?) before the thought of learning code ever crossed my mind again. Turns out my sweetie was a Ham and he suggested I become one... Had to learn Morse Code to get my Tech Plus license back in 97 or 98 I think. It has been a while. 5 wpm. Never really used it on the air. Honestly, I was quite intimidated to actually go on the air and start a conversation using code. Just heard a lot of mean people on the voice bands criticizing people who didnt do things perfectly and it put me off from getting on the air. I focused on the folks who were not so nice rather than not letting them bother me. But not now. I am actually looking forward to my first time. But I am not ready yet. Over the last year or so I have started trying to get back into learning Morse code with the intention of eventually using it for communication over the air. Then, after a terrifying incident with a truck driver who destroyed my car, I kind of got lost for a few months because of the overwhelming fear and anxiety that consumed me since he did it purposefully and I never understood why. Scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I couldnt focus on studying. For months I did little more than exist, trying to work to pay my bills but little else while trying to recover from the emotional trauma. Not any more though! Still have very dark moments but those are much less. Ready to live again! Now I am back into re-learning code. Just finished up tape 5 of Gordon Wests old code cassette tapes. I think Gordo is adorable. He was very friendly and sweet in his approach to teaching code. Still, there are a lot of errors on the tapes but I overlook them because he is just so darn sweet. Anyway, I really want to feel comfortable using the keyer before sending my first CQ. Hubby and I both built our own WinKeyers from a kit so we could do portable code with each other without having to use a dummy load and our radios. I tried to get him to commit to conversing only in code for one day but he is hesitant. Figured that would learn me up real quick like. And of course I can scan the bands on my IC 735 to listen in for CW on the bands, if he doesnt flip the switch and steal my R7000 antenna for his own QSO. Last night was a milestone. I hadnt been able to get through the numbers again until last night. And I just finished up with X and Z too. So now it is just using lcwo.net and a few apps for practice and taking the next step to getting on the air. So thats my CW ham story. Any of you like me in that you never got on the air because you were a bit hesitant? I am still a little nervous but more excited than nervous. I do wonder who my first CW encounter will be with.. Will it be local? Some country I havent yet hammed it up with? Will it be a gal or a guy? Young or old? Not sure why I shared this with you guys. I am usually a pretty private person. Not today though. Oh well, I did take the time to write it so might as well hit post. Have a good night all!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:58:50 +0000

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