I am proud to say that I have fully become a confident, happy, - TopicsExpress


I am proud to say that I have fully become a confident, happy, ambitious, positive, life living, lover. I went through years of depression, negativity, unhappiness, and just that terrible time of dealing with recognizing my demons, and understanding that its my duty to delete the bullshit. I have done some truly ignorant, evil things in my younger days. The funny thing is, I used to hate myself for all of my mistakes, until I learned, there really is no such thing as a mistake, for me. Rather, life lessons. I have learned, that as a Scorpio, I am going to be the best at whatever I choose to be; whether negatively ignorant or amazingly astonishing. Each sign has the same number of negative traits as well as positive ones. The purpose, is to delete the negative and progress the positive. The hard part, is always admitting to your negative, ignorant, mistakes/actions. But the only reason thats hard, is simply because of self slavery. Yes, we are sometimes ourselves worst enemy. Its kind of like getting a crack head admitting to their problem and going to a drug rehab. It takes years for them to finally get sick of hurting & harming themselves. Even though they hated the high after the first few months and knew it, but just couldnt admit to it because of the 5 minute $10 high that made them feel amazingly untouchable. (Most of the time) every problem youre going through and every pain you are experiencing, is self inflicted/caused. If someone is able to bother you so bad, that just their presence is annoying to you, more than likely, there is something you dont like about you. How do I know this? Because Ive experienced, lived, and had to recognize and accept the fact that I was the one causing all of my problems. Not the devil, but me. No matter what you think, you get what you give, you rep what you sow. You want to keep being unhappy? Keep being a negative soul. You want to be happy? Be a positive soul. No, it doesnt happen over night, it takes time and practice. But trust me, consistency creates changes. And wouldnt you rather look back at your bad days rather than continue to live in and repeat them? Happiness doesnt come from materials it comes from self love and acceptance.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:31:41 +0000

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