I am quickly becomming an anti-government person. I always - TopicsExpress


I am quickly becomming an anti-government person. I always thought we could fix it but theres too much spread over too many departments, bureaus and offices. 2.73 million employees? Really it takes 2.73 million federal workers. Now if you look at the numbers they seem to have gone but that is in part to cutting military not cutting bureacratic jobs. The other issue is do you realize the average American makes $44,389 per year and the folks that work for you and I make $78,500 per year yet we think thats ok. Civil servants is what they used to be called so they knew that the true bosses were you and I. No when you address a member of congress in a letter it is sent to honorable john jones. Well 2 thinks strike me as funny first for any business owner out there or manager would you ever refer to an employee as honerable? Second, even if you would do you know many members of congress that deserve an adjective like that? It is embarrasing that we the taxpayers believe they are somone who deserve our respect. I have a few adjectives I could use but your imagination should be good enough. Bottom line this is OUR country not the elitist jerks in Washington DC. They should be addressing us in a manner that shows respect. We cast the vote and we pay their salary....WAKE UP AMERICAN!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:36:33 +0000

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