I am reading lately of the “idea” that people can have more - TopicsExpress


I am reading lately of the “idea” that people can have more than one twin flame. You can have soulmates, you can also have a twin souls or twin rays, and they all can bring that chakra awakening just like a twin flame connection does. In case of twin souls/twin rays, you will recognize yourself in those persons too, because they are also holding the same kind of energy as you and you will feel attracted to be in their presence because it is normal to wanna feel like “home”. For this reasons, I believe the twin souls/twin rays connection can be confused for most people as being a twin flame one, because it does bring a feeling that it might be your twin flame because you feel so good/great in their presence. In my own experience and research, I tend to believe now that when you meet your twin flame, you will know it and have full access to your own higher self and your twin flames higher self. It is in no way possible that you can’t access it, because the shocked connection will unfold what was keeping you away to communicate with your own soul. Also, the idea that “you can have many twin flames” is coming from the knowing that we are multidimensional. Yes, we have many twin flames if we see it that way. But, each pair of twin flames belong in their own dimensions/world and you can’t shift in this parallel dimensions because you are here on Earth right now! To give an example, I know that I am living in other world/dimension in the same time as I am writing right now, but I cannot shift in that other dimensions to be with the person there who are my twin flame, because, I already have my twin flame on Earth! So, yes you have many twin flames, because your soul is multidimensional and they are all a sparkle of your highest soul/energy, but no, you don’t have many twin flames on Earth because only one pair at a time choose a world/dimension where they had been sent. I know how confusing it can be to understand, but false information goes around lately which I believe confuse more people because of that, it has not been explained correctly and those who read it tend to after believe that if it does not work with one twin flame than it is not a problem, because they would find another twin flame, which is honestly really ridiculous. If you can’t manage to make your relation work with your twin flame, don’t look outside to see if others souls can fill your emptiness, no, look inside of you to see what kind of problem you are holding onto and simply face it and work through it.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:29:14 +0000

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