I am ready to empower those who cannot help themselves. I cannot - TopicsExpress


I am ready to empower those who cannot help themselves. I cannot empower myself, I need you all to empower me, so i can empower you. Help me, help you, help them, help the system. I need everyones full attention. Because this is a serious matter that needs to be looked at with all minds. After the new year facebook is going to update their terms of service. And from what I gathered from my view from reading it. Is that we are already working as free employees to make the company billions. And our infomation we all post and share are property of facebook and after the new year they are amping up their control of users. Facebook messenger seems to be the tester for complete control of content. You download it and you give facebook access and rights to all of. your information and private convos for thier personal gain wait I mean for them to make the best possible Facebook user experience. We all made facebook and we are all used to keep making it. I dont mind being a content producer and also I wouldnt mind getting paid for being apart of it. But snowball chance in hell. My question is to all of you. Am I right. Am I wrong . Am I right about my passed judgement of evaluation. We need to get all the facts down and everyone needs to be aware. We are all guilty of signing contacts n not reading them. Thoughts please. I want to create a perfect system with perfect information. This can only be achieved with the power of Global Human Thought Element. I have a challenge and i need help to achieve it. Challenge is to develop a idea to help humanitys success as a whole rather as a independent. The human race is unorganized yet we are so vastly connected because of technology. I want to create a system to better help us make the transition to help those who cannot help them selves in a rapid changing day in age. A Game Master System Complex, so impossible to develop that the only way it can be created is out of the free will of others and Charity work to help develop it and make it grow as it will be apart of those who help grow it. The system will be only as strong as they whom believe and trust in it. The worlds first gaming utopia system designed for everyone by everyone. Theory of a dream , this is our dream, lets design it. Those whom are interested and want to join me and my dream i will send you, every pieces of evidence i can provide to back up what i say as proof of it;s possible and constructive criticism is needed because everything i am doing is created from my heart i have no idea what i am doing or if im right, all i wanna do is try to help the world in anyway i can with my ideas. Game Master Theory is game theory rewritten as a whole to help create the the transition of human mind into the equation and its technologys for the transition of future technology and implementation of Quantum Game Mechanics. Game Master Theory is the user in the world, since we play a game, the real game of life everyday Game Master Theory is the Users Owners guide or Strategy guide. I wrote the gamers bible as a walk-though for the user and his transition into the real world. The gamifacted system of gamifaction for gamification of gaming gamifaction. This is my proposal, I need anyone any everyone whoms willing to work or help create this system or get the idea off the ground. Either for payment, or for Charity work. I do not have much money to work with, but we can work out some idea concepts to start generating possible revenue. 1. Base of operations, Need a very unique Website designed.Or a form of communication, this cannot work unless we are connected as whole and we can rapidly generate ideas, I call it Quantum Thought Theory. This is a giant experiment and we are all research tools. 2. Allocation of peoples skills and knowledge for organization and communication for better idea allocation and creation. More people in the same skills, faster what is needed in that department can be created. Ill have a compete skill system developed, can even take this idea and inject it directly into the website and our system. 3. Once the team and baseline idea is started we can then start to develop the foundation system, first step is generating funding so we can really dedicate ourselves to the expansion and creation of our system. All those who donate and charity work will be rewarded for their respect and time, and if the system works a whole other reward system will be created to reward and implemented. How much money do you really need to be happy and survive? I only need my bills and living cost, its nice to get extra stuff but i live within my needs and barely surviving, this is my attempt to free me, and people stuck within time. Power to the Player :) Im holding back alot because i dont want my ideas stolen and me thrown under the bus. Do you accept my challenge? Can your non profit help me create my dreams. A system of chairty, created by chairty, for chairty and clairty. The foundation of a quantum system to use its knowledge of free energy but in the gaming world it is different, we have yet not reached a real way of free energy. In the mind of the internet and in the heart of information, the internet is the most powerful tool any being on this planet, Basically create a system to empower people the power of love. Their are so many people that truely care about people and what is truly going on. They all need to know their is a system they can go to for enlightenment and freedom.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:13:01 +0000

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