I am really sad. I wanted so much for us to have the political - TopicsExpress


I am really sad. I wanted so much for us to have the political will, courage and conviction to do it. I still think it will happen though, given time. Any thoughts on who to vote for in the GE? Labour and the Lib Dems are out for me(probably in perpetuity)and Im not a Tory or a racist. I figure that as were gonna get whatever government the English electorate give us anyway YES should vote Green. There would be almost(almost)nothing more galling than voting Labour in a misguided attempt to protect the human rights bill and then have it torn up anyway by smiling suits. Im leaning SNP at the next Scottish election because Im worried that The London parties will be looking to run Holyrood down in an attempt to avoid this sort of outburst of democracy in future. The others would be dictated to by the party line which serves only the interests of their London based bosses. So then, what happens noo? What scope these marvellous new powers were being allowed by someone elses government? Will one of our new Devo powers be renationalising? Trains for instance? Post office? Can we do anything about energy monopolies? Can we make child care affordable? Can we hold banks accountable for their actions? Or are we gonna get a kick in the teeth and fracked til the waters flammable? I firmly believe that Indy was the right option but not enough people agreed with me and so we remain part of a country that treats everyone who isnt a millionaire like shit. Cool... ...Its not cool is it. There have been lots of NO voters on FB saying that they also want equality and social justice and that they believe that can be achieved within the UK. Better Together didnt suggest any reform to tackle this during the campaign they just used words like equality and fairness in the soothing tones of a TV mattress salesman. So now, NO folk have you any plans for what we could do to actually achieve something meaningful? If you say vote Labour I will laugh at your little joke. Will we do something about this together? Come on over, lets try and make a stand for the ordinary people who live in Scotland, England, Wales and N.I by harnessing the wonderful energy of the YES campaign. Lets proliferate the common weal across this family of nations and continue to agitate for change, for fairness and for people over profit. PS NO voters, Ill try not to blame you if things go horribly wrong from here in but I cant promise anything.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:28:27 +0000

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