I am really sorry for the people who are losing their healthcare - TopicsExpress


I am really sorry for the people who are losing their healthcare coverage, for the people who didnt vote for Obama, get mad, junk yard dog mean mad. He has F-cked Up your family, your kids, your life, and now he tries to blame others. All this cancellation stuff started after Oct 1st which was the day Obama and his minions rolled out his plan. Insurance companies were forced to comply with his regulations in his bill. Remember Its OBAMAcare, a fitting name for a total cluster you know what. For you people who believed in Hope and Change, and voted for him, you wanted this, you voted for it, you fell for the lies and deceptions. A lot of us had misgivings and when we tried to voice our opinions we were shouted down with cries of racist and other nasty things, So I would like to know how you feel paying more for your policy or having it cancelled just so you can make sure uber slut Sandra Fluke has her birth control pills. Im sure she appreciates this generous gesture on your part. Feeling used yet ? Where are all the lofty promises now ? Feeling stupid Yet ? Maybe its time to stop trusting these people and get back to a true two party system. Remember as much as you dislike Repugs, they tried to stop the trainwreck called Obamacare. And one more thing it isnt going to get better.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:00:58 +0000

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