****I am really surprised to see that how our doctors have a very - TopicsExpress


****I am really surprised to see that how our doctors have a very poor communicative skill!!!!!!!!!!! A good communication is the representation of your everything, your behaves, your education and your attitude and what not????? Communication is an art that can be learned easily if you are very careful about your own career; The main problems that I observed as follows: 1. Poor Greetings/Starting without mentioning the names 2. Inappropriate/ In-coherent/ Unnecessary words/non-communicative/ non-linking sentences..............means the Body of the total verbal communication that is really poor. 3. Last but not the least, unable to deliver Thanks appropriately, properly with expressively. So the simple tips for you guys especially doctors, because we doctors everyday we deal with lots of different categories of peoples with diversities of mentality with varieties of levels and these tips will help you to develop your communication skills everyday that will make you to be a GOOD to your patients and to the general peoples as well. 1. Greetings: if your greetings are satisfied that you already won the heart of the encounter , which is the most important and initial part of communications and it has at least three components: i. Starting with whatever eg, As-salam-walaikum/ Good morning/ Good day/ Good afternoon but, with ii. Good voices with clean cut words iii. Appropriate body languages, means good eye-to-eye contact at least. 2. Body of your communication: that needs a long term practice, it never be made to the standard or outstanding level within a minutes/hours/days and even months...........rather it needs years too. So, needs to be practiced with the intention and aim that you need to improve it for your own benefits. 3. Ending with a good summary with checking the understanding level of the encounters whether you are successful or not to make understand by using your appropriate words...............and lastly deliver your thanks with full of smile with the appropriate gesture of gratefulness. Best of luck for you my dears, the young doctors who are the future leaders of our country.............so be communicative.........then be a GOOD doctor Its just an simple strategy to be communicative....if you need further, may be I can write for you the full details..................
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 08:44:02 +0000

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