I am reposting this because I believe this little mouse (Rick - TopicsExpress


I am reposting this because I believe this little mouse (Rick named him Alfonso) gave me insight into a spritual struggle that has bothered me since childhood. First, for those who didnt see the original post, I had a mouse in my house. I went online to find a live trap and read how to give him the best chance for survival upon release back into the wild. We let him go at the Lily Pond on Tuesday where there a lot of people leaving scraps of food. We also looked for a lot of ground cover and a pile of rocks or wood to drop the food we brought into so other animals wouldnt get to it so fast. The article said to leave paper towels or newspaper for warmth temorarily until he could make a shelter. There was also an open bathroom over the hill where he could get warm. I gave him every chance. Naturally, I took some kidding about this whole thing...even from Rick A friend teased that after all that effort, a hawk would probably get him. I was OK with that because that might be his purpose in life, right? But what kind of puorpose is getting killed by a mouse trap? In any case, I had a dream early Wednesday morning where I was defending my actions to a friend. And the last thing I told them was that the only way I could have kept Alfonso safer was to keep him locked in the box as a pet. But all he did was try to get out...and when he got the opportunity, he happily scampered away...free at last! Then I woke up suddenly and said aloud, I get it! And I did feel like I understood free will for the very first time. The only way God could have kept us safer was by denying us our freedom asnd keeping us locked up in a safe little box. We can choose to sin, but we can also choose to be righteous. And life seems so much more meaningful when we do the right thing through choice, dont you think? So, although I dont want mice in my house, I am thankful for little Alfonso. I thought I was helping him out, but he taught me something in return. I hope he enjoys his freedom.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:24:10 +0000

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