I am scared I am very sick right now I am out of the hospital - TopicsExpress


I am scared I am very sick right now I am out of the hospital where I was transferred to another one because I have a bleeding in my brain I need medication which I can not afford and I have no one here with any money that can help me please if you can help me with whatever you can please call me ... I dont have a dime I can meet you and show you the discharge papers from the hospitals I was in I also have CHF asthma sleep apnea and very high blood pressure if you can find it in your heart please thanks Yes I am still posting information as I am a reporter and I am on the computer now therefore I am doing what I can to report what is really happening as I am a member of the very first folks within Scholars for 911 and 911 truth..... Bob Jones is my co-host and has reported a lot of information you need to know about what is really going on I am attempting to get my programs up as there is a lack of real media coverage of what is going on I get no payment and or nothing relating to broadcasting nothing and very little relating to assisting people who have legal issues and over the years I had helped many people out as did my father Dan Burley and others who were within the real media and who were concerned about the people not about what they could get as we are all in this together..... Please if you can help me call me 1-630-863-9971 I am out side right now as I am not feeling well and I needed medications which is over the counter I as I stated I can not get The churches do not help with this I also went to the township and was told they help only once in 18 months they helped me with rent and will not do anything else..... please read on because I also have a major story to share with you relating to possible strikes relating to isis and the upcoming 911 event... the rule of thumb is if the information is made public then it will not happen as plan as the people will be aware and then can act accordingly but it you are not aware this is terror and then they can create Marshall law and other nightmares as they do what is the real plot behind a false flag operation they are placing within the media...... Ii.e can recall the over 2.3 trillion missing out of the Pentagon by the way where did that money go and if you worked in accounting like I had for years in the beginning of my career that type of mistake can be easily located but you were told it just vanished please. Other facts of 911 Micheal Jackson was to do a show there at the WTC accesshollywood/jermaine-jackson-michael-was-supposed-to-be-in-world-trade-center-on-911_article_53458 Just another interesting fact listverse/2011/12/12/10-famous-people-who-avoided-death-on-911/ Now I was in the WTC in August to sell a Malcolm X letter hand written from Malcolm to my father Dan Burley who was the Managing Editor of Muhammad Speaks and wrote the column for the nation from the late 1940s no it was not Malcolm it was my father as he was to go to guy on all of the major black owned publications he was either the managing Editor and or was involved in full media coverage of what was really going on in Chicago and else where he helped many get into politics and into entertainment but his name was removed as there is a major coverage within the black community of what is really going on and who was involved in what..... well I needed to remove my family out of a very bad concern so I knew that there was a major issue in Ny after the 1993 attack as whatever they were attempting to do they were not able to complete ... I went into Far Rock-away and my fathers school mate and best friend Lang Waller ( Fats Wallers Cousin) picked me up and took me to a hotel when the first guy I was to meet lied to me and wanted to give me $200 for the letter I refused that offer as I know values of black and other historical material and i knew that this letter was worth a lot of money as it was hand written and spoke of Dr King. Again I asked for help from within the black community got no where even with those my father had helped out..... SO I SOLD THIS LETTER AND THEN WAS FRIGHTEN TO DEATH AS I ENDED UP IN THE WTC BUILDING IN AUGUST I KNEW SOMETHING ELSE WAS GOING TO HAPPEN IN FACT I GOT LOST IN THE TRAIN COMING OUT OF HOBOKIN NY AND ENDED UP IN THE WTC WHICH I FELT I COULD NOT GET OUT OF I WAS IN A PANIC AS I FELT A COMING DOOM TO COME........ I just got out of Mortgage Industry was it was dirty as all hell within many of the companies as there was a lot of money being made.... I closed down and reported what I saw thinking that our government was great and protected people who shared in the belief that we are all Americans and need to protect this country within every ability to do so but its all lies.... they attack you from within, just like Sherman Skolnick he was targeted and maybe because of the information I gave him about the mortgage industry he was forced into the hospital received the wrong med as I am now a victim of and then he was isolated from his family he had no one as I am now.... I was given medication which was on my allergy list and just woke up in time to stop on of the injections. again if you have no one there and no money what can you do???? I was there for Skiolnik and protected him for years but we were both in the hospital around the same time one out i went to where he was to help him no one else came he had three people in help world and he continue to work as I do we are and were dedicated to informing the public now there are only a few of the real people out there........ I watched and refused to do any loans I felt were at risk ... I was the Director of a gold coast mortgage llc which I had planned to take over as the owner was allegedly going to leave.... This was all just prior to 911...... In fact the lawsuit was going on behind the scenes on Enron as one of the employees ratted out the company as they employees were not getting treated right which exposed major It was called black Monday on Dec 3th 2001 yep that was when Enron was soon to become in the public eye..... It all had to do with the financial reports and the fact that Enron was a CIA front company ..... Sharon Watkins n August of that year, Sherron Watkins, an Enron vice president, had sent an anonymous memo to Lay that read, I am incredibly nervous that we will implode in a wave of accounting scandals. Of course, thats exactly what happened. After the companys demise, the investigating U.S. Congress discovered Watkins memos to Lay and other top executives. (After sending the memos, she had met with Lay with no results.) Watkins was soon lauded as an internal whistle-blower, brought before Congressional and Senate hearings to testify against her former bosses, and heralded by TIME magazine as a Person of the Year, with WorldComs Cynthia Cooper and the FBIs Coleen Rowley. https://youtube/watch?v=6svTm7zC50w My the way Enron World com where part of Amway... just for your information Look at this video which shows youtube Amway style concept of employees to owners....... https://youtube/watch?v=6svTm7zC50w fraud-magazine/article.aspx?id=583 While that was going on Tim White was exposing real estate fraud he was on the front cover of time magazine..... I spoke to him and later he refused interviews as his wife was given Anthrax yep he told me this as he was flee for his life..... democraticunderground/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x5446102 this began with Bill White going back years to the Bush family ties into James Bath who was the finance guy with the Saudis https://sites.google/site/nocancerfoundation/bush-bin-laden-family-links en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Bath To understand about whats going on its all about following the money and the money was within oil Real Estate and Banking i,e Mortgages as well which on these timelines for back to the very first banking scandal which was the Keaton Five.... azcentral/story/azdc/2014/04/06/keating-five-scandal-dogs-mccain/7328163/ fofweb/History/HistRefMain.asp?iPin=EUSC248&SID=2&DatabaseName=American+History+Online&InputText=%22John+Glenn%22&SearchStyle=&dTitle=%26%2334%3BKeating+Five%26%2334%3B+scandal&TabRecordType=All+Records&BioCountPass=10&SubCountPass=19&DocCountPass=3&ImgCountPass=11&MapCountPass=0&FedCountPass=&MedCountPass=11&NewsCountPass=0&RecPosition=30&AmericanData=Set&WomenData=&AFHCData=&IndianData=&WorldData=&AncientData=&GovernmentData= Banking fraud all of it I got into the Mortgage industry and saw lots of this coming in around the 9-0s with toxin loans I refuse to do..... These are the more recent murders relating to the mortgage crisis some involved home owners while mortgage officers and brokers were being killed...... from 2001 and after in numbers around the nation many were not bad people they found out what was really happening and began to whistle blow as well which offered no protection as in my case I have been on the outs being blocked from working and being able to help my family and without little resources other than my radio program which I control they have attempted over the years to block me and or take out my co-host... The last thing that happened to me were to very strange cat accidents with the last one being on August 18 where I was hit from behind while driving someone else care this cause the bleeding in my brain which I am now in a very danger state as I have no help and can trust few.... this is way I am placing this out here for you to understand what is going on and in hopes someone reading this will pass this information on to stop any other planned events and staged events which may happen soon as on Jan 1 of 2015 there is a major panned change in the currency which will occur so they are making ways for this to happen but the events within Chicago and the Republic Building has the do with getting rid of financial records.... What is missing in the news relating to the banking money crisis is the libor lawsuit in Europe involving 36 banks and hedge funds,.... Someone has to provide more records just like within ENRON the banking records if they have not been subpenaed then what about looking into all the insurance records records of hedge funds and those of banks which maybe harbored up within the Old Republic building at 307 North Michigan Ave and if the records go bye bye then what accounting will there be relating to who gets what in the payout on the Libor case. In fact I have been helping people who had no clue they were due money back from the settled cases with Chase Bank and others many of the homeowners had no clue they had money coming to them and because they did nor response on a timely bases they loss money and maybe protection of their homes within the process. The few who listen to me got thousands of dollars back while others dismissed me as a What could that Black Woman have important to my world mindset whereby they can not see what is going in plain sight... OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE I.E 307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE CHICAGO ILLINOIS LOOK THAT THIS DEALING WITH THE LIBOR SUIT google/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDUQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fportal.state.pa.us%2Fportal%2Fserver.pt%3Fopen%3D18%26objID%3D498346%26mode%3D2&ei=uTwPVNqVDZbFggTzuIHgDw&usg=AFQjCNEPggLttPNSZEVZLhtq8IcRQofRaw&sig2=dVxMqM_NfS20jXijBxX1Sw. CLICK TO OPEN THE REPORT ON THE OLD REPULIC INSURANCE RECORDS 2012 CLASS ACTION SUIT FOR HOMEOWNERS AGAINST THE TRILLIONS OF DOLLAR LIBOR CASE FILED DID YOU SIGN UP FOR REFUNDS..../ zerohedge/news/2012-10-15/us-homeowners-launch-class-action-suit-against-libor-manipulating-banks bankrupt/CAR_Public/120904.mbx chicagosecuritieslawyerblog/2013/09/banks-sued-for-libor-rate-fraud.html dandodiary/wp-content/uploads/sites/265/2014/03/FDIC_libor1.pdf THIS IS JUST A FEW OF THE SUITS AND TIES BACK INTO CHICAGO RELATING TO RECORDS AND NOT ONE DIME IS BEING EAR MARKED TO PEOPLE WHO ARE LOSING THEIR HOMES...... institutionalinvestorsecuritiesblog/2014/07/us_supreme_court_will_hear_app.html NOW I HOPE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND MY CONCERN ABOUT CHICAGO BEING HIT AS THEY ARE NOT WANTING THESE RECORDS OUT AND THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY IS DUE TO RESET ITSELF MY JAN OF 2015.... A representative of the FDIC declined comment. Representatives of the banks declined comment or did not respond to a request for comment. Libor, which is the average rate that a panel of banks say they can borrow unsecured funds, has become a key rate globally, underpinning more than $550 trillion in financial products, from home loans to derivatives. SUBSTANTIAL LOSSES The financial institutions conduct caused substantial losses to 38 banks that the U.S. regulator had taken into receivership since 2008, including Washington Mutual Bank and IndyMac Bank, the FDIC said. The regulator did not quantify the losses at issue. The lawsuit also did not specify what damages the FDIC is seeking. The lawsuit also accused the British Bankers Association, the U.K. trade organization that during the period at issue administered Libor, of participating in the scheme. The BBA had said it independently monitored the banks Libor submissions, and represented that Libor was a transparent benchmark, even though it knew those statements were false, the FDIC said. A representative of the BBA declined comment. The banks named as defendants include Bank of America Corp, Citigroup Inc, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, HSBC Holdings PLC, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC. NOW ON ISIS DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS https://socioecohistory.wordpress/2014/09/08/declassified-documents-show-us-planned-false-flags-on-own-people/ ISIS TRAINING mixedmartialarts/thread/2360900/ISIS-funded-trained-created-by-CIAUS--Video/?pc=2 GLOBAL RESEARCH globalresearch.ca/isis-domestic-terror-threat-created-by-cia-and-u-s-military/5387874 worldobserveronline/2014/08/12/former-cia-agent-isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-trained-israeli-mossad/ liveleak/view?i=76b_1406255768 NOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN WILL IF YOU HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK IF THEY RESET WITH THE NORIBA MONEY SYSTEM I WAS WORKING ON IN THE 90S THIS MEANS YOUR MOONEY WILL BE WORTHLESS JUST LIKE THE CONFEDERATE MONEY SYSTEM IT WAS HERE ONE NIGHT AND THE NEXT EVERYONE WAS BROKE AS AI ROCK...... THE SAME WITH ALL OF THE OTHER FINANCIAL SYSTEMS BEING SELECTED. forbes/sites/greatspeculations/2014/03/18/fdic-sues-16-global-banks-for-roles-in-manipulating-libor/ tv/shows/48-hours/watch/the-mortgage-and-the-murder-1599746/ cbsnews/news/48-hours-probes-2005-murders-of-albuquerque-couple/ mandelman.ml-implode/2012/05/husbands-suicide-yesterday-wells-fargo-to-evict-wife-tomorrow-anyway/ robertlindsay.wordpress/2011/04/08/abu-ikhlas-al-masri-top-al-qaeda-commander-captured-in-afghanistan/ This man was Gustan Bullut he was the head of the Jihad within the United States I had him on my television program on GETV he was steven business partner in the Moslem Foundation angelfire/dragon/bdoornews/dannestory/index.album/the-arrest-of-ghaason-ballut-the-man-who-the-dea-claimed-headed-the-jihad-in-the-us-and-the-business-partner-of-steven-almasri-with-the-alsalaam-mosque-foundation-here-in-the-chicagoland-area?i=4 Stevens Youtube https://youtube/channel/UCKjW_9ylaSUGFPeIoWKEvxQ https://plus.google/104513638768527335196/photos treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/programs/documents/terror.pdf after his arrest he can become a real estate agent bank president ceo -- ripoffreport/r/baytana-funding-and-interforester-group-scam/palos-hts-illinois-/baytana-funding-and-interforester-group-scam-abe-karn-scamfbi-most-wantedmortgage-fraud-807221 Skolnick on Steven rense/general16/skol_jdg.htm Foundation under investigation for terror prior top 911 nytimes/2000/08/10/us/intolerance-and-an-attempt-to-make-amends-unsettle-a-chicago-suburb-s-muslims.html Still open after leader arrested for heading the jihad in the US alsalamfoundation.org/ law suit to shut down gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-ilnd-1_00-cv-04596/pdf/USCOURTS-ilnd-1_00-cv-04596-1.pdf elianaschoice.blogspot/2011/06/creeping-sharia-in-america-list-of.html nccsdataweb.urban.org/orgs/profile/364308137?popup=1#overview books.google/books?id=bqD28SMVdbkC&pg=PT184&lpg=PT184&dq=Al-Salaam+Mosque+Foundation&source=bl&ots=2pDVOFz6n3&sig=n-oOA0VCVXsLifqLRnUrnBugLpw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8S0OVPi_M8e1ggTXtYCoCg&ved=0CGQQ6AEwCDgo#v=onepage&q=Al-Salaam%20Mosque%20Foundation&f=false Obama read this one carefully Ex-Mayor backs Obama on Mosque SouthtownStar (Chicago, IL) SouthtownStar (Chicago, IL) August 17, 2010 | Phil Kadner | Copyright Permalink As the debate over building a mosque in New York City and President Barack Obamas comments about freedom of religion made headlines across the nation, I thought of Dean Koldenhoven. Ten years ago, Koldenhoven was in the eye of a similar, if much smaller, storm as mayor of Palos Heights. The Al Salam Mosque Foundation sought zoning permits and city council approval to convert a church in Palos Heights into a mosque and school. An anti-Muslim furor erupted, with Koldenhoven taking the position that the Constitutions protections of religious freedom were sacred and paramount. I telephoned Koldenhoven on Monday to ask if he would be willing to discuss his thoughts about the public outrage he faced in the summer of 2000 and if he believed there were any comparisons to todays controversy. … AL-Salam Foundation was tied into terrorist investigativeproject.org/4160/kuwait-funding-muslim-brotherhood-growth-in same foundation involved thenewamerican/usnews/foreign-policy/item/16606-muslim-brotherhood-linked-to-malik-obama-and-obama-admin dcclothesline/2014/05/01/sharia-advisors-barack-obamas-muslim-appointees-high-security-positions/ thesleuthjournal/us-government-protection-of-al-qaeda-terrorists-and-the-us-saudi-black-hole/ ghassan bullut militantislammonitor.org/article/id/594 cbsnews/news/prof-cleared-of-8-terror-charges/ cell phone listing of terrorist talking to each other 2001 chicago jihad investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/270.pdf all are now protected uniset.ca/other/cs5/308FSupp2d1322.html all in Chicago area as active cells investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/467.pdf https://courtlistener/flmd/dPy2/united-states-v-al-arian/ royal Jordanian flight school arrest drug bust 2004 o-hara justice.gov/dea/pubs/states/newsrel/chicago011204.html The old republic building is about financial records and around the corner another building can go up in flames which is the one controlled by jews who are moving larger than life sums of money into Israel via the cohens out of NY who has relatives on the federal reserve board traced all of this and the government will do nothing,,,,,,, Northern Leasing Systems Inc incorporated illegally in NY 21 times Lease finance Group LLCs corporation was shutdown and they have no business license to operate in Chicago but they are acting as a foreign corporation and being alleged fraudulant law cases in NY whereas the one court handles all of the over 300,000 cases as they get summary judgements expartee alll illegal they are located at 65 east wacker place in Chicago this is where all of their financial reports are located...., LaSalle Street Bank Fire burned for days as workers were in the building chicagotribune/news/chi-0412220352dec22-story.html record department chicagotribune/news/chi-041206downtownfire-photogallery-photogallery.html all of the records on real estate and probate where in this building 2004 2003 all of the records for the cia fbi and other agencies where on backup in this building exponent/69_west_washington_fire_cook_county_illinois/ nbcchicago/news/local/Chicago-Tragedy-10-Years-Later-228272591.html articles.chicagotribune/2008-04-29/news/0804290006_1_stairwell-million-settlement-cook-county-administration-building
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:39:52 +0000

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