I am seeing a lot of false advertising on the vote no on I-522 - TopicsExpress


I am seeing a lot of false advertising on the vote no on I-522 Washington GMO labeling bill. Things like, "it will cost millions." The cost will NOT increase by millions with a GMO labeling bill, that is completely false (do your research.) Another thing is that it will hurt famers. This is false as GMOs ARE hurting the farmers. The GMO incident in Oregon earlier this year, many purchasers of wheat stopped getting wheat from those farmers, for fear of health risks. Many other nations do not want to do trade with us for fear of GMOs. Do your research if you do not believe me. Other nations have GMO labeling, mind you. Products like Hersheys chocolate have different ingredients in the UK to not include GMOs and other ingredients. There is an add saying there is no evidence to support labeling... That is how desperate Monsanto is. This is not about whether or not GMOs are bad for you, this is about knowing if they are in your food. There is no study (that is not funded by Monsanto or any of the big companies) that shows positive health benefits by consuming GMOs, and with how corrupt these companies are, there will never be a definitive answer as to how much of a health impact GMOs play, but you should know what is in your food. You DESERVE to know what is in your food, point blank. Vote YES on I-522, do not believe the false advertising, do not allow Monsanto to dictate what you are allowed to know what is in your food. And if you do not believe that these are false advertisements look up what happened in California last year (The fake professor at Stanford.) You can also just read the bill, and I highly recommend doing so in order for you to make your decision. Look at this for what it truly is, labeling of something that you have the right to know. This will not ban GMOs and you are free to consume foods that contain GMOs as you please. The nutrition labeling is supposed to let you know what is in your food so that you can make choices based on your dietary needs, but how can you do that if it is not labeled?
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 08:44:19 +0000

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