I am seriously considering closing my facebook account. I had - TopicsExpress


I am seriously considering closing my facebook account. I had thought about it in the past (about a year ago, but the only reason I didnt do it is because I have several friends, particulary Zonian friends, that I only have contact through here and I consider to be great people (you all know who you are). But after seeing, hearing, and reading about the newer privacy issues and practices of facebook, other social media, and just about anything we do online or on our cell phones, tablets, etc, I am seriously disturbed by what I consider to be heavily unethical and unconstitutional practices on behalf of these organizations. To have apps that can freely access ones cell phone camera and microphone (possibly laptop and desktop functions as well), share your contact list ad photos, without requiring user/owner authorization to me and making them impossible to uninstall (seriously, in some cases you CANT uninstall something once you have) is unjustifiable and I cant think of any legitimate purpose for it other than spying on us citizens in the name of security and it is just wrong. By social media, corporations, and the government. Particularly by this current administration which I couldnt find to be more UnAmerican. For everything you can now use your facebook, Twitter, or whatever other social media profile to log in or comment, and call it convenient, I call it disturbing. If I go into my email, facebook account, or wherever, ads are customized to my history or preferences. No thank you. I dont want that, I didnt ask for it, and its more uncomfortable than it is helpful. I remember there was a time when people would say that your social security number was more private than your underwear yet today it is demanded shamelessly before even your name or age and you get nothing if you dont provide it. This is B.S. to me and an invasion of ones privacy and just a tool they can later use against you in whatever way they feel should they feel they need to. Enough. The same applies to the music industry and such. All file sharing websites and applications where shut down and recently I was told by a business owner that he had to cut out the small time live cover bands in his establishment because record labels mail out brochures listing their artist and their songs and require yearly fees if any band is gonna perform their songs in the establishment. Too much control, too little freedoms. Even over the artist as well. I personally feel that most music today sucks so bad and so many TV shows are cancelled because years ago the record labels discovered that if they can fabricate and control their own artist then they belong to and answer to them and they keep even more of the profits, f--k artistry, that went out the door as a table of executives looks at charts to determine whats hot and saturates the airwaves with it these crap artist and genres. Television stations do the same with TV shows and that why so many dont last a season. Theyre completely out of touch with the people. The amount of advertising on ANY and EVERY media is outrageous. Its a freakin bombardment, and airwave assault of advertising. There is nothing I can do online or on my phone that doesnt require me watching an ad first or isnt interrupted by a pop-up one. Ive had to WATCH a commercial to SEE a commercial on YouTube before!! Seriously?? Watch an episode of The Walking Dead, Hell On Wheels or whatever and it last an hour...30 minutes of content and 30 minutes of commercials. Where are we??
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:25:55 +0000

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