I am sharing not only the article, but also stealing the excellent - TopicsExpress


I am sharing not only the article, but also stealing the excellent comments my friend Dawn wrote... Thanks!!! Solar roadways, self-driving robot cars, fusion, and 3D printing are not the technofixes that theyve been promised to be. Here is why. Also, quoting the punchline: And this brings me to another point I make often – I believe we’re constantly promised these miracle technologies in order to keep us complacent and to prevent us from questioning a system that is increasingly falling apart. As long as we keep waiting for the big techno-fix to come along and solve all our problems, we will endure any hardship along the way to make it happen. As James Howard Kunstler has said, we are conditioned to expect miracles. But we need to get over it. Miracles, by definition, are impossible. They will think of something takes all the agency out of our hands – which is what those in power want.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:05:18 +0000

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