* I am sharing this comment by Mike Lutz: ~ Have you ever had a - TopicsExpress


* I am sharing this comment by Mike Lutz: ~ Have you ever had a toothache that was driving you crazy with pain? In the middle of the night as you toss and turn and are unable to sleep because of the discomfort, you develop a headache. The toothache is still there but you’re now focused on the headache. On the way to the medicine cabinet to see if you have any Tylenol, you trip over one of the kid’s toys and sprain your ankle. You brain has put aside the head and toothache and the attention is now on your ankle. Your significant other hearing the commotion, thinking there is a burglar in the house, gets your gun and shoots you. The brain has now forgotten about the tooth which was an early stage of mouth cancer, the headache which was a tumor and the sprained ankle which is really a broken ankle. Your body is now putting all its attention on the bullet that is lodged in your chest and trying to prevent you from going into shock and bleeding to death. This is exactly what is happening to our country under the leadership, or lack of leadership, of President Barack Obama. I’m not going to mention all the toothaches, headaches, sprained and broken body parts and other ailments that have occurred under his leadership. Our attention to the nation’s medical problems are constantly being diverted because of new problems. Just when you think the nation’s body cannot endure another injury there it is and the nation’s conscious moves to the new illness, forgetting about the previous issue. In the last several days President Obama has fan the flames of civil disorder by injecting his view into the Ferguson, Missouri situation. Instead of staying out of the fray until the grand jury decides the fate of Officer Darren Wilson, he had several meetings with race baiter Al Sharpton and was reported to have urged the Ferguson protestors “to stay the course.” Two days ago, after three Americans, that had joint Israel citizenship, were brutally murdered in a Jerusalem synagogue while worshiping, by Hamas backed terrorist, our president failed to deliver a strong message. In his prepared statement he showed sympathy for the attackers by saying in part “too many Palestinians have died,” and “I think it’s important for both Palestinians and Israelis to try to work together to lower tensions and reject violence….We have to remind ourselves that the majority of Palestinians and Israelis overwhelmingly want peace.” As “Obama Care” begins to collapse under the weight of the deception that was perpetrated against us, our president in a national televised address, will grant amnesty, in violation of our Constitution, to over 4 million illegal aliens. This action if allowed to go unchallenged will only guarantee millions more crossing our border illegally in search of the same. If only we went to the dentist six years ago and took care of that nasty toothache. Today we are on life support and family members are making final arrangements and saying at least the toothache pain is gone. Just my opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 15:30:16 +0000

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