I am sharing this information with you for health reasons. If you - TopicsExpress


I am sharing this information with you for health reasons. If you were around the WTC on 9/11/2001 or afterwards, if you or someone you know was part of the cleanup crew or worked at the site, they should be tested for radiation poisoning -- if they are not already dead. The only thing that can create a fire hot enough to melt steel and to burn for weeks afterwards is nuclear based, plutonium, thorium, uranium -- the same people who set the detonation charges in the buildings (because it was a controlled demolition) could easily have installed nuclear material as well. Did anyone wonder why the building material was so quickly cleaned up and shipped to China -- because it was highly radioactive. Thats why so many of these workers came down with strange health issues and many were quite ill, they had radiation poisoning. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, hair loss, skin rashes, bleeding, and immune system disorders, that will lead to death. I have long believed that this was an orchestrated event and I havent seen anything that would change my mind. In fact, all of the research I have done on this issue has made it even more clearer to me that it was not planes or burning, it was something much more sinister. Aside from that, if you were in the area around that time, please get tested for radiation poisoning and your children too. There are ways to treat it but you need to know if you have it first. dutchsinse.tatoott1009/9112014-molten-steel-flowing-below-wtc-video-here-cspan-airs-the-truth-about-september-11th/
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:14:53 +0000

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