I am sharing this on my page from Santa Pappy, who tells how he - TopicsExpress


I am sharing this on my page from Santa Pappy, who tells how he feels, and yet echoes what a lot of Santas go through, every year.. ....I am your Mall Santa. Im the one that you bring your child to to tell him/her to be good. (thats part of your job) I listen to the little ones with stars in their eys.....looking for that word or words of encourgement.......gee mom...dad...have you no words? Im the guy that forgoes his lunch....even dinner or even a pee break....because we love what we do, and we love children. Im the guy that will take a few minutes because the child before just told me that grandma doesnt smile any more...or that she wishes to go to the the North Pole because Uncle ?????keeps touching her Welcome to MY world! I listen.....I smile and yes....I get love...unconditional love but I get heart ache more than I think I can handle. I sit alone in a backroom in a mall, mostly a store room, with crap around me....and I eat alone....I live here for a few weeks, with the love and the times you never see me cry. I want....I want so much to help....to hold a child and tell them that the world is not always bad......I do what I can. I listen...I do what YOU dont....I LISTEN! Take the time....if you wont...I will. Johnnys been good....Sally wants the latest doll.....Most of us....Santas...have an education...weve been around...do you know that for that one happy meal a village could have eaten for a week? No problem.....I put my time in....I smile...you get your photo....or even take one or two of your own. Never once thinking.....do you even consider I might have a family of my own? Maye a grandchild Ive never seen or have yet to be with during the holiday. I dont ask much of you....really I dont....please teach your children to brush their teeth, please dont put a child with a soiled diaper on my lap....there is one waiting in line that has to sit next and I also have to have my suit cleaned and your few dollars doesnt even come close to covering that! Stand back....watch the majic....listen...learn.....what do I do that makes me special? I LISTEN....for the few moments a child is with me.....they are my world.....my whole being is wrapped up in them....and they KNOW it! Thats why I am who I am! When you are with YOUR family on Chrismas Eve......please stop for a moment....most of US are either alone...or traveling to get to OUR family. My calling has cost me a marriage...(she couldnt understand what I do) Ive been on the road in the worst of weather just to get home......Ive laughed....and cried (tho you never saw the tears) I look foreward to each year and each child as they grow...the greatest joy is to see your children grow and with luck and Gods grace see their children. I am just a Mall Santa....your humble servant.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:24:50 +0000

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