I am sick of our media acting against the bill of rights, I am - TopicsExpress


I am sick of our media acting against the bill of rights, I am sick and tired of the general population jumping to conclusions on either side, be it the president, Al Sharpton or white Fox News Commentators. All this is UNAMERICAN! In my immediate family there are 4 of us that took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic, right now when you deny a person due process be it a young black man who allegedly did this or that or a police officer who did this or that, both are presumed innocent till proven guilty, if you go against this then you are denying them their rights under the fifth and fourteen amendments of the Constitution of the United States. No one should make a judgment either way. There should be no rush to any judgment, let the investigation be completed, if the evidence is found he killed that kid for no lawful reason, then he should be arrested and tried and punished, if he acted in self defense then accept that too. Here is what the BILL of RIGHTS has to say. DUE PROCESS CLAUSE: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land. This what every person in America has a right to. 1. An unbiased tribunal. 2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it. 3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken. 4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses. 5. The right to know opposing evidence. 6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses. 7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented. 8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel. 9.Requirement that the tribunal prepare a record of the evidence presented. 10.Requirement that the tribunal prepare written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:38:03 +0000

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