I am sick to death of the politically correct crowd. Sick to death - TopicsExpress


I am sick to death of the politically correct crowd. Sick to death of them. And I am also sick to freaking death of those whiney, pansy assed people who get offended at every word said and then want to dictate to others what they can and cannot say. The politically correct movement is all about CONTROL. It is all about slowly and deliberately stripping away your 1st amendment right to FREE SPEECH. Thats it, plain and simple. This goes for Liberals, Progressives, especially ATHIESTS, and other groups such as Freedom From Religion who continually battle against Christians rights to profess their faith, yet say not a damn thing to Islamists who want to take away the constitution all together and replace it with Sharia Law. The latest battles are two things entirely different,yet with the same goal. The name change of the Washington Redskins. This storied NFL franchise has been beleaguered lately by the pc crowd to change their name because its OFFENSIVE to native Americans. Really? REALLY? No its not. This is about the pc crowd wanting to gain a foothold, a CONTROLLING foothold in the NFL so they can dictate to football fans what they deem is correct speech thereby limiting others 1st amendment right to FREE SPEECH. If you change the Redskins name, then you will have to change the names of other sports teams as well. The Cleveland Indians. The Chicago Blackhawks. The Atlanta Braves. The Dallas Cowboys(cowboys were infamous for killing Indians) and also the Texas Rangers. Texas Rangers hunted so called Indian criminals including Geronimo mercilessly. College teams and High School teams have already suffered at the hands of the PC Speech Controllers. No more Ole Miss Runnin Rebels. No more UNLV Runnin Rebels. Are the Florida State Seminoles going to come under attack as well? What about the Ragin Cajuns? Anyone ever seen a ragin Cajun? I have. They make up half my family. It aint pretty when they go to ragin, stuff gets broke and people go to jail and/or the hospital. This group,Freedom From Religion, based in Michigan or some other Yankee state(the Yankees should change their name because its offensive to Southerners), picks on small town High Schools bullying them into changing traditions like prayer and invocation before football games. Santa Fe High School knows all about that. Santa Fe High School still prays before games. Strake Jesuit and another school have also won against them in court and still put Bible verses on banners for the players to run through and up on the stands. Thats one front. The other is the political front, and this is the plan that will backfire on Rick Perry and the Great Republic of Texas. His invitation of come one, come all to this great state has invited nothing more than Carpetbagging style liberal/progressive politics into this state. Hence why Wendy Davis, with outside money from other liberal states and organizations, might have a fighting chance to be Greg Abbot for the Governorship. Of Texas. Not Houston as Molly Ringworm claims. Now, as a CONSTITUTIONALIST, I believe in the 1st amendment right of anyone to speak freely and express their beliefs. I do not believe that to silence a group of people by bullying whether in the media or in the courts sets anymore of a precedent than them getting their asses kicked by a bunch of rednecks who are tired of hearing their crap. By using this control tactic of politically correct speech, and then labeling what you normally say as hate speech, or as being offensive to a person or group of people, thereby limiting ones right to free speech is a defeat of the constitution and any court or any judge that stands for it should be removed from the bench and these cases, 99% of them, should be tossed out of court and the lawyers disbarred. When did this nation become a nation of pansy assed wimps and wimpettes who are afraid to speak their minds and tell these politically correct people to grow a pair of balls and grow a thicker skin? These people are so afraid of being run over, or being bullied by hearing the truth about themselves that they simply cannot handle it and have begun to use the courts as their enforcers like the movie, My Bodyguard where the kid hires a larger kid to beat up the kids who are bullying him. Thats the PC crowd,and that is exactly how they are using the court system, and at the same time, the court system when it finds in favor of the PC wimps is perverting the 1st amendment rights of those who still freely speak their minds. Sometime,when you stand for what you believe,you stand alone...Hatebreed.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:40:10 +0000

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