I am sick with this The legality of the Iraq invasion invasion - TopicsExpress


I am sick with this The legality of the Iraq invasion invasion notion. Its wrong, its illegal and as much as I respected and admire Obama in other areas, I am dissapointed. It is starting to look too much like our "legal war on Iraq". Recently my thought on this issue have been put to a test. In pursuing an argument on FB I have been reacting to comments and my thoughts on it appear disjointed and unfounded. The following is my position on it. 1. “who are we to depose heads of state”? The UN charter is clear on this. Deposing the leader of a country or a “regime change” is clearly not in line with the UN charter. It would be a violation of Article 51 of the charter. This position has been defended by the International Court of Justice, The Dutch Supreme Court Special Committee, Center for Constitutional Rights; Ferencs, member of the Nuremberg Trial Commission in his book about Bush and the Iraq war; Desmond Tutu, Hans Blix amongst others. 2. Resolution 1441 was the last of 18 resolutions almost unanimous in support of investigating and stopping the horrors committed by Saddam. It did not contain an authorization to invade or attack, as the US and UK representatives themselves stated to the Security Council, 1441 did not contain an “automatic trigger” to invade. The actual “invasion”resolution was presented and withdrawn because it was not going to go through. So a tacticall legal weapon was set in motion. 3. The “coalition of the willing” was first used by the Clinton administration. It has been recognized as a valid instrument . The “coalition” created by and for the Bush Administration made a mockery of the concept albeit the 30 countries that signed in. The immense majority of the boots on the ground were American Military and Mercenaries paid for the US government. (A Blackwater mercenary I met in a cocktail party—a wealthy contractor who took a paid “vacation” to go kill “towel heads” was paid 37,000 for a month in Iraq. When our soldiers and veterans lack basic needs.) The UK and Australian boots were considerable smaller, albeit the high cost of life). 4. The biggest mistake was not exhausting all the alternative routes of pressure and investigation. There were no WMD’s—it was clearly and illegal regime change—technically speaking. 5. I find Assad’s behavior dispecable, I found Saddams behavior dispecable. But its time that History start changing its course. Using our son’s to play the game of war is dispecable also. I will raise my voice and my pen against anyone—even the man or woman I supported politically. I am particularly disappointed with Obama and Madame Secretary Madeline Albright.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:00:30 +0000

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