I am sitting at a desk in the the old newsroom at ESPN in Bristol, - TopicsExpress


I am sitting at a desk in the the old newsroom at ESPN in Bristol, some 5 or 6 years ago, waiting to do a segment on ESPN NEWS. Since my main job is in radio, I dont have a desk there in the TV newsroom, so I sit at a desk that is unoccupied and get on the computer. Most of the show prep is already done, so I am just kind of noodling around, when I say hello to Stuart Scott who comes in and then sits at a nearby desk. I am getting some sidelong glances from the people around us as I keep working on the computer, which has an usually large screen. It is unlike any of the others in the newsroom. After about 20 minutes of allowing me to work there, Stuart comes over and quietly says this is his desk, and would I mind moving, since he needs to use his computer. Of course, I get up and let him use his computer, and quickly realize the screen is specifically for Stuart who suffered some damage to his eye a few years backand suffered some vision damage. I also quickly realize, why he waited so long to ask me, hoping I would be finished and could leave on my own, sparing me any embarrassment at not realizing the obvious...that the screen was oversized for a reason, and that reason was, of course, for him. On the pecking order, few if any, were higher than Stuart at ESPN, and he easily could have just marched over, and essentially demanded I get up. That wasnt him. He wasnt doing to embarrass anyone needlessly... I never forgot that courtesy. I cant say I knew him well, but I did know him, and visited with him many times. I used to see him every year at the JimmyV Golf Classic in North Carolina. We had many fun, and funny visits there, and whenever our paths crossed in Bristol, he greeted me warmly and I was equally outgoing in my greeting to him. He was simply a nice guy, who enjoyed the people in his life, loved his work, and was easy to socialize with. Make no mistake, however, he was passionate and dedicated to his work. Once I approached the elevator, and saw he was speaking to a woman I didnt recognize, but quickly surmised it was one of his SPORTSCENTER crew, and he was angry. Something had not gone as well as it should have during the show and he was hot. He wasnt berating the woman, but it was obvious that he wasnt pleased with whatever had gone wrong. That was one of the few times we crossed paths where we didnt talk, visit, share a laugh. But I got it. The man was working, and he was dedicated. I admired his passion. His passion was on display for all the world to see at the ESPYs this past summer. Like almost everyone, I was incredibly moved by his speech, and watched much of it through tear filled eyes. The fact that he gave the speech in accepting the award named after my brother, the JIMMYV PERSEVERANCE AWARD, only made it more moving, especially in light of his gracious comments honoring Jim. I hugged him as he walked by, and couldnt help but feel the toll the cancer had taken on him when I did. So thin...it was obvious he was not doing well. I turned and sitting right behind me was my dear friend John Saunders, who certainly knew Stu far better than I, and he was sobbing. (Sorry John...I hope that doesnt embarrass you; you are a much more private person than I, but I want people to know how Stuart connected with the people in his life, and frankly, to remind people again of why we have to fight this disease with everything that is within us.) In one last gracious, yet completely unsurprising gesture, Stuart and his family asked in lieu of flowers, that donations be made to the V Foundation. I will do that, of course, but Stu, I would much rather be on the golf course with you, tapping in to your boundless energy and wonderful spirit, having you there to HELP us in the fight. Well miss you friend. Thanks...rest now. Oh and say hi to Jim, will ya?
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:45:43 +0000

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