I am sitting in an internet cafe, first chance of internet in 3 - TopicsExpress


I am sitting in an internet cafe, first chance of internet in 3 days. When suddenly BLACKOUT, all lights out, no food delivered. Outside, the whole town in darkness. I left the rain forest 4 hours ago, four bumpy hours on a local bus, 4 hours filled with fascination: giggling school girls calling me Miss Olivia and asking me about my life. I am now sitting in darkness, backpack beside me, waiting for my food which, due to power cut, doesnt come. My bus to Penang leaves in 2 hours and will travel through the night, arriving between 4 and 5am. Im scruffy, hippy looking, straggly hair, baggy clothes, creased, same T.shirt as yesterday, brown skin, dripping sweat dried in ice cold air conditioning that has now, due to no power, turned off. its humid here, crazy humid. Im covered in mosquito bites, Ive worn no make up for 10 days and everything about me is looking rather weathered. This morning I was walking through the rain forest seeking silence, I lay under the canopy on a fallen tree and stared up at the jungle above me. I was lost in the moment. I would like to be more lost, in more moments. I have one more week before I swap my backpack for a suitcase full of more corporate looking clothes and join the Toastmaster Convention. But tonight in Penang I will meet up with Palaniappa, the 2012 2nd place finalist if my memory serves me right and for all those that remember, he talked about being careful of wanting to wear other peoples shoes. here is an excerpt for you to enjoy. Im looking forward to seeing him compete again this year. youtube/watch?v=vfavXbPNQOY
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:33:16 +0000

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