I am sitting in basically an abandoned town in a jungle in South - TopicsExpress


I am sitting in basically an abandoned town in a jungle in South Korea, while I type this on my phone. I was just reading the book of judges and God told me to stop, you know when we feel the spirit of the lord we have to move. I am not now nor have I ever been perfect. Their is a day in the future when I will be. But that glorious day remains on the other side of eternity. I have walked a hard road even for my young life, and for the longest time I ran from God and doubted the truth that God had so simply placed right in front of me. I have never in my life felt as close to God as I do now and the more I seek him the more I realise the things of this finite world in the reality I live in do not matter, all that matters to me is the next. While I remain here I have a strong desire to help those in need of truth. One of my favorite books of the Bible is Job. I know most everyone understands this story. When people think of Job some think of his sufferings and even more think of his blessings. But to me one point in this story moves me in a way I cannot explain. When Jobs very wife tells him to curse God and die. I dont want to answer my opinions to that Biblical analogy here. But it brings up something interesting in my eyes and that is love. So what is love..... Some say it is the 6th Sense, thats wrong. Spirit is the 6TH sense. But love is something else. I think of children and how a father loves his son and how a father would do anything for his son, he cares for his son and dose everything physically possible for his son. I believe their is no stronger love than a father and son, when we speak of earthly love. This is the essence of God, to know that God could allow his son a sacrificial lamb for me. How unworthy I truly am. In my process and journey of understanding the Bible as God sees fit, I have found something that saddens me more than anyone could imagine. When you come to the true understanding and the reality of hell, and you understand that many will one day open their eyes in that dreaded place, it should place a heavy burden in your heart. The sad thing is as true Christians we no longer have this burden. We are no longer that light for the world to see, to live in a time now where we are witnessing the Bible fulfil itself and we still have no desire to lead the lost to Christ. Its beyond shameful. My heart has been broken over this heavy burden, and we truly are living in the days of the great falling away. While everyone just turns a blind eye. I will pray till I can pray no more and I will spread the truth till I can no longer speak. When God gives us a duty as a child of the king, we should do it, Now regardless of what you think and have been told the devil is at work and he has a conspiracy to destroy every good thing God ever made, and were letting him do it. The physical church has let the devil in and he has destroyed the congregation. The reality is this we have failed as Christians, before we can serve God we have to stop serving ourselves.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:12:44 +0000

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