I am so baffled at the fact that humans choose to destroy the ONLY - TopicsExpress


I am so baffled at the fact that humans choose to destroy the ONLY planet we have to live on which has FINITE resources. I pray that the human-residents of Earth will someday wake up and realize that we are really just digging our own graves. Sustainability and eco-activism is not for the hippies and new age people. It is for everyone, because WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. I do my best to remain in a place of Love and compassion, but recently, my anger, disgust, and entertainment of dark thoughts regarding the death and elimination of all those who poach/poison/rape/destroy/torture Earth and ALL LIVING BEINGS has been taking a hold of my awareness. I just dont understand! As I walk the city streets, I cant help but notice the ZOMBIFICATION of the people of this country... most people seem to simply NOT CARE about what is happening around them...at all. Yes, there are those who do think about these sorts of things, and I commend you and am grateful for your presence. But the rest of the people?...well, they are too concerned with what sports team is going to win, or what is happening next week on their favorite television show, or obsessed with making money so they can spend spend spend and consume consume consume. Residents of Sonoma County, does anyone every think about where all the runoff from chemical fertilizers for all the wineries go during these rains? ...Into our beautiful Russian River and watershed system. Or about the continuous logging of the redwoods, even though there are less than 10% of forests left on the entire PLANET. Why are we still cutting down trees? There are so many other building resources....like the millions of rubber tires made for our gas-guzzling vehicles which just lay wasted in enormous piles around the world. They do not decompose at all...they are just waste.. How about the fact that the entire Central Valley of California, which was once a thriving wetland with elk, bears, and ABUNDANT WILDLIFE, is now a barren wasteland due to the prolific amount of irrigation done and the constant use of chemicals...why does no-one else see a problem with this? We are killing the planet for our own egos pleasure, and I am doing my best to remain positive and uplifted in this time of downward spiral. The more and more I learn about what is happening around the world to the plants, animals, lands, soil, peoples, mountains, river, lakes, oceans, etc, the more my heart hurts. I yearn for unity with Earth and nature. I dream of reconnection and cohabitation on this beautiful planet. I will continue to hold my head up and continue to be Earths advocate, because someone had to. I will do my best to keep my heart filled with LOVE and to envision a world where sustainability is the norm and humans join forces with the rest of the life on this planet to live in peace and harmony. It is possible, I know it is. Rant complete....
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:16:18 +0000

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