I am so deeply sick every time i hear the word Britain or the - TopicsExpress


I am so deeply sick every time i hear the word Britain or the phrase U.K. I am not from the U.K, I am not British, I am not part of the country. I am Scottish through and through and i hold no allegiance to the English-Empire or the Fraudster proclaiming to be my Queen. My line goes all the way back to the ages of this Land where none of the above held sway over Scotland, to when the Scottish Crown was Scottish and we had our Independence. So saying Britain, U.K or the country is blasphemy to me, it is an insult as I am not from that illusionary place, I am from Scotland and Scotland has made and will one day un-make my bones. No peace until Scotland is free, no rest until the 1707 Act of Union and the U.K is repealed and cast into the history books as a weapon of Londons Empire created to exact the Oppression of subjucated colonies, and not a mutually beneficial Union of equal partners from the family of nations. I am from Scotland not Britain.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:50:11 +0000

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