I am so excited. I am having company tomorrow. My good friend Eden - TopicsExpress


I am so excited. I am having company tomorrow. My good friend Eden and his son are coming over this weekend from Massachusetts for a baseball tournament here in NJ. Lets hope the weather holds up. The problem I had was grocery shopping for them. I assume his son is ok with some good food and some sugary stuff, a decent breakfast, some sandwich meats, fruit so he can kick some serious baseball ass. My shopping problem is my stubborn friend, a 40ish man whos vanity has led him to try and make and maintain a 6% body fat. Sure, I may be jealous of his being in shape but grocery wise, what do you get for a man starving himself. I mean, he worries about the caloric content of a carrot stick and thinks Kate Moss and other super models are food gluttons I am worried he will be jogging and doing push-ups all night and talking to his body fat in some threatening way, hoping it will disappear out of fear. Why do I judge someone trying to better himself? Well 6% is unreasonable (I have told him this directly and publicly so dont think I am talking behind his back) If body fat is too low, body systems start to shut down. In a woman, her period will stop, in a man, 2-5% is necessary for essential function, 6-13% is a top athletes level. So, any ideas what to buy for food for a man whos hatred of body fat is legendary. I hope the bananas and mangos are not insulting to him. I hope the broccoli and veggies meet with his approval. I guess the Cinnamon rolls and potato chips will be left to me. See how selfish he is, there goes my body fat, damn Eden!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 22:16:47 +0000

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