I am so excited to share this! Sometimes, things, situations, etc. - TopicsExpress


I am so excited to share this! Sometimes, things, situations, etc. will get you excited. Well this is what gets me excited! I owe a huge thank you to God! Anyone who knows me knows I love my job! I work hard and definitely put my time in. I dont rush my work because its not fair to myself or my client; which will result in a turn around time that isnt the next day. (Dont even get me started on that or the words sneak peek!) I have been in this business now for 4 full years. My 4 years, I have never experienced a down time. Not that I want them-but sometimes I need them. Regretfully, about 2 years ago, I stopped attending church because I knew that one Sunday (that turned into 2 1/2 years of Sundays) would get me caught up. Instead of getting work done, I ended taking on more work than God intended for me take. I was blind to see it and thought I was just thriving well for family. This past summer, Justin and I decided God was going to come first. We started attending church regularly on Sundays, Wednesdays, etc. If I said that I wasnt afraid about getting behind on work because I went to church instead, Id be lying. Truth is, I was physically ill from it! Shame on me! I know! So yeah, I get that what Im typing is lengthy but I promise its to prove a great point! This Fall happened. Yeah, I say it happened like a disaster would happen, or a blur, or poof of air because thats what it is for me. Its not taking the time to enjoy the leaves changing colors while sipping apple cider or attending hay rides with friends. Its go time, crunch time, kick yourself in the rear end time because you cant say no to a client! What follows Fall? The holidays! Again something that a person should enjoy....not me. I feel guilty for not working on Thanksgiving....what follows Thanksgiving? Christmas. Dont get me wrong-its a great time of year! But when I normally have clients pushing and shoving me to get their session done in time for Christmas with 20 other families you can see how this would be stressful. This day in age there are so many new traditions and I end up always feeling like a crap-tastic mom for not being able to keep up with them. Normally this time of year I have 20+ sessions on my editing board, no Christmas tree up, no presents bought, and 3 children who I feel I have let down. Now...lets go back to the part where I said, Justin and I decided to put God first in our life. Christmas is happening in right at two weeks. This is the most less stressed out I have been in probably 4 years! Yes, I said it-MOST LESS STRESSED! I am sitting with 2 sessions on my editing board! I am still doing the same amount of work that I always do, my Christmas tree has been up for over a month now (and dont be judging that either! This is the first year in 4 years Ive enjoyed or even noticed a tree up!) ALL OF MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS DONE....and most of all I am being able to participate in traditions with my babies!! It brings tears to my eyes as I think about how they run to me in the mornings telling me how Im going to be so mad at our Elf and Reindeer! Its memories Ill never forget! Soon, well be starting the 12 Days of Christmas and Ill get to carry on that tradition that my mom started with me. I remembered to get their Christmas Sunday outfits way before hand so we werent settling for whats left in the store 2 days before Christmas Sunday...... My point is you put God first in your life and everything will fall into place. Being stressed out is no fun and thats when Satan really plays on you making everything fall into a big ball of chaos. Im happier than Ive been in years. Im not saying that every day is a huge ball of sunshine (I prefer a gloomy, rainy day anyways) but I know I can handle it much better now. Plus, my love and I are teammates! He helps me with everything. He, too, works so much and comes home and cooks or cleans while I get to get extra editing time in. I know it was long read....but I wanted to give God some glory! Without him, Im sure Id be ready to pull out all my hair and meaner than Grumpy Cat.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:43:21 +0000

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