I am so glad this weekend is almost over. Spent most of the last - TopicsExpress


I am so glad this weekend is almost over. Spent most of the last three days trying to get rid of another headache. The only good thing about it is that my appetite has been so bad I have lost six pounds and am down to 115 lbs. I cant say I want to be this thin though at my age you just look older if that is possible for me, lol. I have been out when I can tearing down a deck so that the new one can be built and I have had to take a lot of breaks. Work for an hour or so and then laying down to get up the energy to go at it again. It is done now as much as I can do and still have a platform to get into the house. I tried to get up on the roof this morning to check the swamp cooler I think the water is not pumping because of a build up of minerals. Lots of stuff in the water that clogs the little weep holes the water goes through to wet the pads. I started up the ladder but this darn headache makes my already bad equilibrium worse so didnt want to chance taking a fall and breaking my neck, lol. Will give it a try again tomorrow very early before the sun is too high up. My neighbor has offered to stand at the bottom of the ladder and be my cushion if I fall down, hahaha. I will say though that the temps this year are much milder for August than last year at this time. Havent done a comparison but seem to remember it being much hotter. The humidity is what kills ya. The minute you start working outside your body turns into a natural shower machine. I cant believe how fast and how much water can come out of you! Drinking lots of sun tea and water to make sure I stay hydrated. This is what is left of the deck. Put in a temporary stairway. It works great since I can grab the handle at the back. Had to put the storage container there for my Honey she cant jump up on the deck. Took her a little while last night to figure it out but she finally got it. I tried to show her how to use it but she just looked at me like I was an idiot so finally I gave up and went inside. I figured she would get tired of being outside alone and she did about fifteen minutes later I heard the pet door flapping and she was inside. New jug of sun tea getting ready for tomorrows work. Raspberry my favorite. Trash day tomorrow and the cans will be empty for the rest of the lumber need to cut it up so I can get it in the cans. I will say one thing for the humidity certain plants love it. My fern is getting ridiculously big and bushy. It is dragging on the ground all the way around and so thick on top. When I water it you can feel the heat coming out of the mass it is so thick. My other potted plant is doing so good I am afraid to mention it for fear it will start to decline, lol. I think the aloe loves being crowded in the pots this one is looking pretty awesome I think. My lemon tree doesnt know what to do. Some branches are getting ready for winter and others are growing new leaves!? Greenhouse has offered some challenges I wasnt prepared for but it will work out in the end. I can hardly wait to start growing food in there, yummy.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:11:41 +0000

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