I am so grateful Jared Lathem and Lim Sahar Lathem are diligent to - TopicsExpress


I am so grateful Jared Lathem and Lim Sahar Lathem are diligent to raise our grandchildren in the faith. They are faithfully living before their children an authentic faith and making sure they teach them in the faith. However, I have lived long enough that I have seen Christian families fail to do what Jared and Lim are doing and and in one generation all the children become apostate, agnostic, and practicing atheists. Truthfully, the church in the US has not sufficiently resourced parents to help them reproduce the faith in their children. And even church parents have been content to leave this task to an hour of church 2 or 3 times a month. My family is now at least 8 generations of Methodist Christians. Yet several in my generation have completely abandoned the faith once delivered to the saints. It is not a failure of the faith. It is a failure of the church and the family. Now those apostate in my generation have raised children and grandchildren who have no experience of the Christian faith. They are lost. How will the church of today reach them with the Gospel? How will the church of today resource families so we dont continue to see children depart from the faith? How will families live such an authentic faith as to lead their children to a deep and lasting experience with Christ? This failure is ONE of the reasons the mainline churches in the US have experienced such drastic decline for over 45 years. Who will The Lord raise up to change this sad truth?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 21:46:59 +0000

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