I am so incredibly angry that it has taken me four hours before I - TopicsExpress


I am so incredibly angry that it has taken me four hours before I was calm enough to sit down and write this post. It was a glorious day today in Hermanus so I took my four kids to the Jan Rabie Tidal Pool in Onrus to swim. it was absolutely fantastic, until it suddenly wasnt. Suddenly, we heard screaming and looked up to see two young teenage girls (15 and 16) running along the coastal path, with blood streaming down the one girls hands and legs and they were both shouting for help. I ran to them to discover that these sweet girls had just been mugged at knife point and were running away from their attacker. They were absolutely hysterical and one of the girls had fallen on the rocks and severely cut her leg in their panicked flight to get away from the pathetic excuse of a human being who had attacked them. Her leg was sliced open (the worst cuts I have ever seen) and the poor girl had to be operated on. The poor girls gave me their parents phone numbers - and I phoned them to tell them what had happened - one of the most difficult calls ever. Shame, the girls and their parents were devastated. It was a very traumatic incident for them and the scars, both physically and emotionally will remain with them for a very long time to come. Both girls parents phoned me to update me on how the girls were and to thank me for helping and the poor injured girl has so many stitches the doctors couldnt even tell her mom how many. My own children, especially Shaylee, are very upset and are now frightened - they have always seen Onrus, our home as a safe haven. It is disgusting that these things are happening. Those poor teenage girls were on holiday from Cape Town, having a leisurely walk along a beautiful cliff path and now one is in hospital and the other traumatised. .
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:54:30 +0000

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