I am so mad at my dad! Well, maybe I have hurt feelings rather - TopicsExpress


I am so mad at my dad! Well, maybe I have hurt feelings rather than being mad but it feels that same right now. Everybody that knows me realizes that I have had a very stressful summer. Somedays I dont even like to go outside because I worry about stuff too much. Things have been getting better. Momma is not as busy as she was and we have been able to spend more time together watching a little TV in the morning. This morning momma was busy with the other birds and dad was supposed to be tending my needs. HE sure did that alright. :( He was late getting my food into the bowls. SIGH....so I tried to help and show him what I needed and NOW. Dad doesnt understand me as well as momma does. I know he tries but somehow thing just never quite gets translated right. Anyhow...I was standing by the nuts and berry bird seed bin and Dad was using the wrong scooper to take it out and he whacked me on the side of the head! I could not believe it! I ran to the bedroom and dad ran to get momma. Momma came and she said I was not hurt but I am in my heart for sure. I cannot believe he was so careless. How could he not have seen me? Momma is staying with me watching TV right now. Dad came in lots of times to say he was sorry but I will not look at him. We turkeys are like that. When we are mad or upset we do not look at the person we are mad at. One time when momma went away I stayed mad at her for 10 days. I never looked at her face for that whole time! So chances are dad will not be seeing my lovely eyes are awhile. I guess I really am not hurt. I have been preening and momma keeps telling me the scoop was just plastic, but I am NOT used to be hit in any way so it felt horrible. So that is how my day started today. The good news is momma is with me and I think she will take the rest of the day off to stay with me and work on the computer in the bedroom like she used to before summer came. Dad will have to get used to seeing the back of my head for awhile because I am NOT looking at him. Yeesh! I hope you are having a better day and I hope nobody ever hits you in the head even with plastic stuff. :((
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:20:59 +0000

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