I am so proud of my daughter!!! This is to summarize my time - TopicsExpress


I am so proud of my daughter!!! This is to summarize my time while Job Shadowing with Darci Barry. I took some creative liberties, enjoy! Please let me know if anyone has any questions. A Supervisor Success Story I have heard rumors of such a supervisor. Tales told by the campfire and handed down generation to generation. This unidentified human who, in no more than a 50 hour week and without losing their sanity, manages to not only meet monthly with their team members, but also meet expectations…and still have time to key TNL to make sure everyone gets paid. I have witnessed many skeptics discount the abilities of this ‘super-human’ supervisor, claiming it is not possible to meet team expectations, certainly not in a 50 hour work week. Continued doubt pours in with claims that ‘anyone can do it…provided they stash a mattress under the conference room table, shower in the gym, and dine every meal at the café’. Well, I can put this all to rest. I have seen it in action. It is not the easiest thing to keep up with, I cautiously watched with guarded optimism for some sort of slight-of-hand being performed, some sort of delegation, or evil twin identity to be revealed…none of which occurred. I can, with absolute certainty, attest to the fact that this ‘super’-visor does indeed exist; and it exists within Darci Barry. Now that I have this cleared up, I was eventually able to document her movements, her decisioning, and her phone calls and I have been able to provide this for our future leaders. Below are the items I was able to observe. It is unclear exactly what time Darci arrived in the office. By the time I arrived, she was already one cup of coffee, and several sticky notes, into her morning. Much to my surprise, she was smiling! She begins her day early…the hunt begins for call observations. Her early morning start allows her to review calls for her advocates and provide necessary feedback to her ‘cubs’ once they awaken and begin their day on campus. This task is coupled with pulling inventory, forwarding deviations to WFM, gathering team results, fielding questions from the staff …actually her entire day is filled with this sense of non-stop energy, possessed only by our ‘super-human’ supervisor! Darci is handling a very unique situation in that she is not only managing her own team, but two other teams…’abandoned’ by their keepers, left to survive on their own. Darci took them in as if they were her own and supports them in maintaining their performance. With this added responsibility, there is also an increase in WFM adjustments, callbacks, inventory management, inventory assignment, PMPs, performance management, TNL approvals, etc….clearly this is something only the heart of a ‘foster’ supervisor can understand and manage. Aside from the daily duties being managed, with items such as IVR updates, visual board updates, and the inevitable ‘season’ of AEP, Darci clearly has her work cut out for her. AEP, which I learned is the Annual Enrollment Period for her groups, tends to be a period of sleeplessness and long hours. Prep for this period begins months prior, with conference room ‘hibernations’ to develop ways to improve the AEP process. We are hoping for a successful AEP this year and to see the survival of this supervisor in such an adverse environment. Much of Darci’s survival is due to her heart and love of the job. She admits this was not her chosen path. Coming from an Analyst background, who knew it would be such a positive and motivational fit for her. The remainder of her success relies on her skills in time management, overlapping skills, business knowledge, and the inherent ability to lead and motivate her staff. Her skills are those of legends and I am confident will be studied for years to come!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:13:30 +0000

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