I am so sorry for being so psycho. Seriously.... BUT its vent - TopicsExpress


I am so sorry for being so psycho. Seriously.... BUT its vent time.... Read fast because more than likely (knowing me) I will delete this very shortly. I am just made that way. You get a glimpse of me and that is it. #1 I AM MAD ABOUT A LOT. #2 YOU do NOT mess with MY famILY. (ILY = I love you) Today I have reached MY limit. ~ My mad spells are few and very very limited.... YES this will be few and very far between.... ( sorry my new friends on Facebook that might be quick to judge me... normally I post funny stuff... just sayin) thank goodness for Facebook or else I would be face to face with a few certain people in my life right now BUT instead I will vent it out... get a few likes and comments, delete and be done. NOBODY, treats my family like this. NOBODY..... I am to my boiling point. Tomorrow I am libel to slap go off.... (I am a nice person really.... yes I feel awful feeling this mad but tomorrow..... push me 1cm DARE YOU) YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1 pull a family member of mine back into your obvious web. Go ahead you shameful pile of cow dung. Go ahead and CAuse SaiD family MEMbeR to paY back tons of loans to sugar coat YOUR life while you made your bed... The bed you chose to sleep with her in while you cheated on ,my.... said family member. I WILL JACK YOUR WORLD PUNK> Just so YOU (and I know you know exactly who YOU are) No more Mrs. Nice MOM. Just sayin. BACK OFF... GET AWAY .... LEAVE well enough alone. No joke punk.... go away. Disappear. STOP TALKING. Go away ... New vent: ALSO........ NO JOKE... It breaks my heart to watch as someone else breaks their literal back to support me and my family and theirs. When every single day for at least 3 years they show up for work for minimum wage to be left to feel the way my said family member has... ONCE AGAIN... on a regular basis... I am to MY point . To the point where ME, I, THIS person writing this, is DONE ... (not said family member) THEN there is a problem. I along with said family member has such a HIGH tolerance for everything. When you treat people like they are NOT human, like they dont have feelings and like they are just poorly paid folk... you are gonna get EXACTLY what you beg for. JUST SAYIN Even when you have become some comfortable with someone that they have become family and you feel like you can now treat them like stinkin poo poo... Keep in mind they are human... humans with little baby humans to feed or they would NOT be there. I am very amazed that anyone would deal with this for years... YEARS to help support their family. #3 Yes... I got like 10 although... Im already done typing so I will wrap this up. When you know without a shadow of a doubt someone UNDER you is working their butts off to HELP YOU and you know they are working and working and working to do their best to HELP YOU then it should reflect. Someone should at least step up and see, say or point and realize.... wow. #4 This will never get old. If you are gonna say something bad about someone say at least 2 good things about them when you do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER trash talk YOUR MAN to your friends without up talking him... cause when YOU make up with him ... your friends will still hate him. #5... Imma shut up. Probably delete in 5, 4, 3, 2 1..
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 01:25:43 +0000

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