I am so tired of Muslim and Christian bullshit! One is as bad as - TopicsExpress


I am so tired of Muslim and Christian bullshit! One is as bad as the other when they start with wanting to save me or kill me, as their god wills. To say something is Gods will is the ultimate in cowardice. Well, Im against religion. I think its for weak-willed primitives who lack the balls to just say they dont like something. Instead they use an imaginary being to hide all their hate and intolerance behind. I believe that to think God would speak to us through a text so old that its unclear about His meaning, when He could speak directly to us NOW, is absurd. Dont you think He would speak to modern man in a modern way through a contemporary voice? If He loves us so much, as we are told He does and we are His children, wouldnt He be clear and present about His meaning and intention? Of course He would. He wouldnt rely on a text that been bastardized to suit the political and social agendas of despotic men throughout the centuries, claiming that its Gods own words. Id think that would anger Him, being used like that for mans selfish purposes. It may come to some as a surprise, but you CANNOT PROVE that your God is real. Neither can either Christian or Muslim (nor any other religion) PROVE that their books werent written by self-serving, ego-driven MEN, not God. AND there is no proof that anything in them is inspired by God. Thats why its call FAITH. NOW, since none of you can PROVE these things you believe with hard facts, WHY should you be entitled to determine the life course for other men? WHY should your FAITH be the law of the land when it is not based in fact? WHY should free-thinking people with different beliefs, be subjected to your SUPERSTITIOUS NONSENSE, and furthermore, be punished for not adhering to it? Your way of thinking is RIDICULOUS and, quite frankly, PRIMITIVE. I have FREE WILL and that means I have the right to make my life as I choose it to be, answerable ONLY to my Creator - NOT YOURS! The only laws government should make are the ones that protect the rights and freedoms of EVERY citizen from the overreach of people like YOU! Laws of man should protect the equality of every man and woman in this PHYSICAL world and leave the spiritual world to each person to determine for themselves the manner in which DIVINE LOVE speaks to them. Its not your place to say how I should live because words in an old book say so. If you do, in fact, believe as you say you do, then what you say is BLASPHEMOUS to your own God, because you are saying by your actions, that your God has made mistakes of creation (gay people, infidels, etc..) that He cannot correct and that YOU must do so to protect Him. I dont know what kind of father you grew up with, but He must have been a weak willed sad little man if he expected you to, for example, go to his workplace and correct his errors. If God is what you say, then good for you. However, YOU have no right to take away my right of self-determination - that which was granted to me by my CREATOR. YOU attempt to usurp the rights that were granted me by what you call God, and then you say you are humble before Him? YOUR ARROGANCE is bigger than your mouth and thats no small feat. Your pride will be your undoing, for there is no humility or grace in you, only anger and hostility. Im sorry for you that you misunderstand the whole of creation as you do, for you will have the life you wish on another and what you do to another will come to your doorstep very quickly. May you be at peace with how you have dishonored your God on your last day.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:54:21 +0000

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