I am so tired of the sooth saying of crappy politicians but, what - TopicsExpress


I am so tired of the sooth saying of crappy politicians but, what Im most regretting is the complacency of the crappy Americans who refuse to do anything about them. We vote for whoever we see most on tv because we refuse to be informed. We need statesmen not politicians and that will never happen if we continue to vote Republican and Democrat. All they do is line their pockets with big business money and insight violence and revolution across the globe. They dont want peace because theres no money to be made in peace. I blame the generations before mine for being cowards and not doing what they know they should have been doing to stop the political agenda that is destroying this country. If my generation turns a blind eye as the generations before us have it will leave our children holding the bag. That bag will be empty. Because of the complacency of the generations before me my retirement age is 85 and social security will cease to exist. I say the first step to changing things here is stop doing business with the companies who do business with the government. AT&T, Bank of America, US Bank, JP Morgan & Chase. It is ridiculous that Iraq had Starbucks and Subway before they had street lights in Bagdad. Shame on this government for their profiteering and shame on us for allowing it. Wake up America! If youre waiting on the government to make everything better youre a fool. If youre waiting to act when the problems of this country directly effect you, youre a slave. Dont be like the previous generations and say, thats just the way it is and theres nothing we can do about it. That ruines our childrens chances at a thriving future. If we had that mentality when creating this country we would still be under the governing of a British Monarcy. But, were not.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:17:49 +0000

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