I am so tired of withstanding days of quiet torment, of walking - TopicsExpress


I am so tired of withstanding days of quiet torment, of walking through each morrow heart-broken- I am tired, being born to mourning, and worn, from mourning and want to be free of this. I am tired of being un-surprised with each new incident, with each life lost, with each goon and pig protected with brown blood on their hands. I am tired of being among the minority when I am not shocked only wearied in yet another law or act or broken treaty, another followed and harassed, stopped and frisked, belittled, simplified, and de-humanized, taken or left, another beaten publicly or executed, another mining colony, another spillage of oil unto our lands or cyanide into our water bodies. I am tired of people being surprised to hear that this country perpetuates these things because this perpetuation is active, open, and public every single day. This is and has been codified and systematically initiated for the duration of this failed society. These laws are passed before you- these judgments announced to the false idols of justice, those that created courts even with fresh blood on their hands, those before them who came here in the name of expanding further the reach of a disease already too rampant to contain within the parameters of their known world- the disease of greed, the disease of fear. Today, ignorance of these is a luxury afforded only to those privilege-born to lesser oppressions of a forgone system that has long been eating the sacred to feed its own core of pestilent fear and greed. If you are ignorant, and who among us is not ignorant of some things, I urge you only to take helm of your freedom your true freedom- your free will, not the romantically postulated and bespectacled freedom this country falsely projects as a government-given gift to you and me- your true identity must use free will to realize itself- and so take helm of your true freedom and use it to educate yourself! Take the time to learn the truer versions of our vast story and no longer be hazed by the vagaries of larger and larger still mystification at our present status and state. Think for yourself and be not surprised but dig, for yourself, and plant roots that you may take in knowledge uncorrupted by those that would keep you complicit, compliant. Please, I besiege you, as a human alive in this time, to reconsider for yourself the truthful countenances of this country, of this modern world. I beg of you to stop and re-frame your idea of where we are now in the honest light of where we have been and how very little has changed. Be not surprised but reset your standards for what stands as justice. Is it justice that we do not teach even to ourselves or to our children a more objective (and thereby more humane and decent) narrative of our country? Let us teach freely and from the beginning how much black and brown blood and misery were one and the same as the birth of the USA. Let us grieve together and thereby cleanse this day and age. As of now, and for all the life I have known, ignorance is so abundant and prime that governmental violations of human rights and dignity are routinely tolerated, forgotten about, and even exacerbated by the stance and actions of the privileged. Our media churns now only as a branch of this machine, fanning flames, spewing the obviously motivated agenda to wash your thoughts into embracing a blind and dumb sense of patriotism and complacency. Justice in this country is deemed unplaceable until we discontinue the crafted and false narrative of this country. Let us speak in a true tongue of our indigenous relatives who shared this land stretching back into time immemorial, and no longer exclude and ignore the sheer volume and gravity- the importance- of the fact that they were massacred, and this many-tiered process, is the very same process also known as the birth of our nation. Let that truth begin to ring from the foundation of the educational path of each student in this country. Let us educate honestly and we will see honest change. Let us extract the ridiculous personification of anti-slave sentiment in this country as a noble and venerable truth shining from the proud, fair, and even-tempered fore fathers of this country. Let us immediately be rid of such false portrayals of the white men who made this place. Those figures who never existed are upheld in the educational system as the first implementation of a government extended permission to think not of the unpleasant, grisly, monumental, and horrid truths of our story and neither of their present and ongoing continuation. It is not enough to lie about slavery and spin it into patriotic hyperbole, no, this is an insult. Let us instead begin to teach our children that, in this country, we have to stop and breathe and meditate and let the true depth and length of the nearly incomprehensible monstrosities committed as a function of the slave trade were a complicated machination of this countrys foundation and that weve allowed this system to then congeal into four branches of government, a government that immediately began feeding us contrary versions of its tale. Let us educate ourselves about the slave trade, its true course, character, and recourse in the international politic of the then-expanding and now resounding supremist western world and its racist and oppressive ideologies. Is it honest to walk these days, after such recent and among never truly ceased holocausts bearing no outrage for those eaten by this deliberate machine? Those, who are our relatives. Those, who are ourselves. We navigate daily a space confused by its inhabitants portrayal of themselves in their own story as they play out the unabated remnants of a genocide not quite allowed to become absolute- unanswered cries for acknowledgement haunt the wind, echoing in the corridors of our collective consciousness and these memories unspoken do not become less real or effective- they sicken us. Is it real to expect anything else from these american hands, these hands who have been numbed of the killers pain, who set their foundation to lie in the wake of genocide and slavery but chose never to admit these violations? Who deny so many of us the ability to forgive these because they will not be truly accountable? Until then, I can see nothing but blood in those flags they so fondly plant when the bullets have spoken their piece and fly so proudly when another gavel is dropped and rings out to another death rattle. And of the laws and practices, creeds and codas, sub-societies and courts, soldiers and civil servants that have spawned from and pledge allegiance to this massacre, I put fourth a vote of no confidence. I have been awakened with nothing more than common sense. I see with nothing more than simply open eyes. It is plain to see that we, peoples of color, are born and seen and held to be fodder by those that have fortified their national power and experimented upon us, our bodies, and our lands, taking as a rapist does take. This is polluting our only earthly home and they are befouling themselves upon this now well-trodden path of sickness, indulging in a self-important fear so refined in its development that it is now its own culture (though it can scarcely be spoken in the same breath as humanity). It is and always has been high time that people stop turning their mental and spiritual, physical and emotional backs to the horrible truths that bind this country and keep this trend so much at the bleeding edge of our means of surviving as a society. Please, if nothing else, stop acting surprised and begin digging a little further to learn more about this place and truly consider why it is running so out of control. If we are honest in these two essential truths- that the united states of america is steeped in the cornerstones of genocide and slavery, may be then we can come to understand that racism is, of course, systemic and institutionalized on the deepest levels and in the most crucial attributes of the USA. To those of us who care and who are empowered with some bits of knowledge, these are the pieces we must pick up each morning and hold together if only to face the day once more… We have only each other- let us, at least, be honest about what we have suffered that our children will not walk through their days heart-broken and blind. https://m.youtube/watch?v=vjOZPjxH1QM
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:53:52 +0000

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