I am sorry I simply dont get it. Perhaps it is because I am - TopicsExpress


I am sorry I simply dont get it. Perhaps it is because I am white. I think it is more likely because I have brain. This linked article starts with: As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenage boy, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. Herein lies the problem with the race baiting propaganda. Michael Brown had just robbed a store. In the next post to this thread will find a video of the robbery. He was not innocent young male walking to his grandmothers house. He was a thug who just committed a crime...and used his size to justify it. His robbery put his death in motion. I suggest we educate our young people - white, black, yellow, etc.. - that when you engage in risky behavior you run the risk of getting hurt. I suggest we start with telling them that when law enforcement arrives you comply with them, not fight them. Definitely dont try to take their gun. It is tragic that anyone gets killed. Life is very valuable. However, the person who is to blame for engaging in risky behavior is Michael Brown. He had a number of opportunities to act appropriate and chose to act illegally and thuggish. He cause this cop to be in fear and danger...and he lost his life for it. I certainly understand that we have a racist history in America...that, yes, we need to address. But, this is not an example of it. This is an example of a young man who was a criminal who caused his own death. Sad, nonetheless...but, not an example of racism....except, perhaps why is not one talking about how Michael Brown stole from the minority shop keeper. No white cop caused him to do that...he did that himself. I am afraid that the race baiters have just given racists to promote hate - and I dont care the color their skin - their actions are still racist. It was obvious that no matter the outcome of the grand jury...no matter how much evidence proves otherwise...there were those that were ready and still ready to claim racism where it simply does not exist. qz/250701/12-things-white-people-can-do-now-because-ferguson/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:09:02 +0000

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