I am sorry if this might be an unpleasant video to watch, seeing - TopicsExpress


I am sorry if this might be an unpleasant video to watch, seeing this cat that has rabies, foaming at the mouth, so weak and paralytic because of the rabies virus. But i am not gonna give up on hope, faith and love for this dying cat. I am believing God for His supernatural recovery, along with mine. He bit me. To everybody, please pray for me and my cat. I BELIVE IN MIRICALS, signs and wonders! Jesus Christ going with us confirming the signs, wonders and miracles confirming His Word; please read (Mark 16:15-20)! I had a LIFE AFTER DEATH EXPERIENCE in the hospital when I was 19 years old. I died for two hours. I went to both HELL and HEAVEN. I have never forgot that awesome experience of Jesus Christ resurrection life raising me from the dead. And I will never forget that miracle of being raised from the dead, it has brought me through much suffering, and staying on that narrow road, when things got so bad in much suffering tribulation...I always remembered when i was raised from the dead at 19 years old, that he could get me through anything for the glory of God. I have had and seen thousand upon thousands of miracals in my Lifetime! So nothing is impossible to them that believe. My cat in this video, is on his last stages of RABIES. The rabies virus has reached his brain and has moved to his salivary glands. He bit me, and it drew blood, and I do not wanna go to the hospital to get rabies shots, because they will kill him! And I am believing Jesus Christ law of the Spirit of life will set Him and myself free. I will not get the rabies, i believe this from a heart after God! By faith I am healed!! I was healed at the cross. I also have been diagnosed with cancer in the 3rd stage, spreading to my organs. I do not want to take chemo therapy are radiation, are have surgery! I WANT TO TRUST GOD, for my healing! This is making my doctors mad, especially my doctor friend real mad, that I do not want to take CANCER therapy! I know my friends and family this will make mad also. But I have to be lead of the Spirit of the Living God, the great doctor and greatest Physician, Jesus Christ that healed all our diseases at the finished work of the cross! That by His stripes we are healed, that we should live unto Him in His RIGHTEOUSNESS! Jesus Christ said that certain diseases, demons come out only through prayer and fasting! I believe all spirits of imfirmities, meaning all diseases, including mental health, Ebola cancer, all plagues, and all various, like rabies virus is demons that bring destruction. (Hosea, 13:14, says, I will ransom them from the power of the grave; O DEATH, I will be thy PLAGUES; O, grave I will be thy destruction!!!!) THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO, is to believe on the Lord with all my heart, and do a water fast for 40 day are more ....trusting in prayer and fasting to deliver my life out of destruction.. I trust Jesus Christ word, His word, more then anything in this Life! My Faith is strong In my Messiah Redeemer Lord and Savior Jesus Christ my friend! By His stripes i am healed, and i forget not all HIS BENIFITS, says (Psa.103:1-5). The law of the Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ, will set me free the law of sin and death! He will deliver me of this curse of death. (Rom.8:2)!!! And my cat that has rabies will also be delivered of the curse of death of rabies. Through impartation of the law of the Spirit of Resurrection Life through Jesus Christ, working in both of us, (John 6:23-26)!!! Myself and my cat will be redeemed from the CURSE OF DEATH! Jesus Christ, said Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall NEVER DIE, NEVER SEE DEATH. says (John 8:51-52). For He is the BREAD OF RESURRECTION LIFE! And if we eat His flesh, and drink his blood, the Spirit of Truth, we will NEVER DIE, but be raised up in the last day...For Jesus Christ is the bread of Life, that came down from Heaven. HE that eats this bread shall live forever, says (John 6:39-58). Never die but be raised up in this last day...even if you have last stage cancer... Jesus Christ said we would NEVER PERISH, says (John 10:15, 28). We will never die if you believe, says (John 11:25,26)!!!!! Jesus Christ, is the spring of LIVING WATER in us springing up in us His Resurrection and life, says, (John 4:14; John 7:38; Hose a 6:3; Rev 7:17; Rev 21:6; Rev.22:17, and we are washed with His water of His Word, to a glorious church without spot not wrinkle, says (Eph.5:22-32). For Jesus Christ, in us, working mightily in us is the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, says (Col. 1:27,29 & Psa.36: 8-9). In His Everlasting Light we see truth, and raised up in His resurrection life, His law of His Spirit of life that QUICKENS our mortal body, unto the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY, as we are transformed into manifested Sons of the Living God, from glory to glory by His Spirit, says (Rom.8:2,11, 18-19-23,29; Philp.3:21). So all the suffering we go through is not worthy to be compared to the glory, revealed in us! I know my cat having rabies, me being bit by him, and also finding out Dec. 28th 2014, I had 3rd Stage cancer, I know this sickness is all for the GLOBE OF GOD THAT WILL BE REVEALED IN HEALING! So I will not be on Facebook, until after the 40 day water fast, in prayer and fasting, so I can give all my time to my Savior That Is The Author And Finisher Of OUR FAITH, that forgives all our sins, and brings our life out of destrution, and heals all our diseases, and renews our youth like an eagle...(Psa.103:1-5). Respectively Holy Ghost hugs, and butterfly Anointed kisses to all. Love you agape!!! Will also be praying for all supplications of those who asked me for prayer, in hard core intercessory prayer. God is our healer! Minister Sudegayel Rogers
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:03:20 +0000

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