I am sorry it has taken me so long to write about Mike. Surely - TopicsExpress


I am sorry it has taken me so long to write about Mike. Surely you are expecting news about him, but as I always say, I get as far as I can get. No more no less. EM SAP GREU QUE PORTO TANT DE TEMPS QUE NO ESCRIC SOBRE EL MIKE. SEGURAMENT ESTEU ESPERANT NOTÍCIES SEVES, PERÒ COM SEMPRE DIC, ARRIBO ON ARRIBO. NI MÉS NI MENYS. Anyway Mike has been at home since the 1st of October. He has put a lot of weight, mainly because I enjoy doing the cooking I have not been doing in the last few years. I experiment a little bit and cook things like curries, well inspired by the ones Mike made with coconut, prawns, cheese… All in all, Mike is looking much better now. EL MIKE ÉS A CASA DES DE L’1 D’OCTUBRE. S’HA ENGREIXAT BASTANT, SOBRE TOT PERQUÈ M’ENCANTA CUINAR TOT EL QUE NO HE CUINAT TOTS AQUESTS ÚLTIMS ANYS. EXPERIMENTO UNA MICA I CUINO COSES COM CURRIS, INSPIRADA PELS QUE EL MIKE FEIA AMB COCO, FORMATGE, GAMBES… EN RESUM, L’ASPECTE DEL MIKE HA MILLORAT MOLT. In the picture, Mike is using his “slings” to move the top part of his shoulders. The crane used for the slings has been well adapted and engineered by Roberto, one of his carers, and is proving very useful. Mike has also been recently using a bicycle which has been adapted to fill his needs (soon a picture). A LA FOTO, EL MIKE ESTÀ UTILITZANT ELS “SLINGS” PER TAL DE MOURE LES ESPATLLES. LA GRUA QUE FEM SERVIR S’HA ADAPTAT GRÀCIES AL ROBERTO, UN DELS CUIDADORS, I VA MOLT BÉ. DES DE FA POC, TAMBÉ ESTÀ FENT SERVIR LA BICICLETA QUE TAMBÉ S’HA ADAPTAT A LES SEVES NECESSITATS (AVIAT LA FOTO). We are slowling getting used to living in this new space and we feel very lucky we can be here and so we should. There is a lot to do, but we enjoy the help of so many around us: family, friends, and more closely, Adriana and Roberto. They both are amazing help. MICA EN MICA ENS ANEM ACLIMATANT A AQUEST NOU ESPAI I ENS SENTIM MOLT AFORTUNATS QUE PODEM ESTAR AQUÍ, I TANT! HI HA MOLTA FEINA, PERÒ TENIM LA SORT DE DISFRUTAR DE L’AJUDA DE FAMÍLIA I AMICS I, MÉS A PROP, DE LA DE L’ADRIANA I EL ROBERTO. SÓN UNA AJUDA EXTRAORDINÀRIA. However, Mike is not stable yet. We have not got to a point where we can be relaxed that solely logistic care is needed; I mean: hygiene, dressing, moving around, physiotherapy, social life… Extra care is needed related to his health situation. When breathing, for example, he is dependent on the tracheotomy and the ventilator. What that involves, amongst other things, is that he has 24 hours a day an open door to possible infections. NO OBSTANT AIXÒ, EL MIKE ENCARA NO ESTÀ ESTABLE. ENCARA NO HEM ARRIBAT AL PUNT QUE ENS PODEM RELAXAR FINS A TAL PUNT QUE NOMÉS CAL AJUDA LOGÍSTICA; VULL DIR: HIGIENE, VESTIR-SE, DESPLAÇAMENTS, FISIOTERÀPIA, VIDA SOCIAL… CAL MOLTA CURA EXTRA PEL QUE FA A LA SEVA SALUD. PER RESPIRAR, PER EXEMPLE, DEPÈN D’UNA TRAQUEOSTOMIA I D’UN VENTILADOR. EL QUE AIXÒ SIGNIFICA, ENTRE ALTRES COSES, ÉS QUE TÉ 24 HORES AL DIA UNA PORTA OBERTA A POSSIBLES INFECCIONS. Unfortunately, Mike has undergone various infections both at Guttmann and this summer at home and then St. Pau. What that means is that now parts of his insides are “colonised” (sic) by little infectious “beasties” (“bichos” they call it). I am not too sure what that is exactly, but it seems that they are very opportunistic and can revive any time. They don’t like antibiotics. The bad news is that, logically, Mike’s resistance to antibiotics is decreasing. DESAFORTUNADAMENT, EL MIKE HA PATIT VÀRIES INFECCIONS TANT A GUTTMAN COM A CASA I ST PAU AQUEST ESTIU. EL QUE AIXÒ SIGNIFICA ÉS QUE PARTS DE DINTRE SEU ESTAN “COLONITZADES” (sic) PER BITXOS INFECCIOSOS. NO ESTIC SEGURA QUÈ SIGNIFICA AIXÒ EXACTAMENT, PERÒ SEMBLA SER QUE SÓN MOLT OPORTUNISTES I PODEN REVIFAR EN QUALSEVOL MOMENT. NO ELS AGRADEN ELS ANTIBIÒTICS. LES MALES NOTÍCIES SÓN QUE, LÒGICAMENT, LA RESISTÈNCIA DEL MIKE ALS ANTIBIÒTICS VA DISMINUÏNT. The good news is that Mike has been having his diaphragm pacemaker on 24 hours a day for the last 1,5 months (I think now). That has greatly improved the quality of his breathing because his diaphragm is actually moving. Also, there is some respiratory activity (it was always there), specially his right lung. I actually mentioned about this in my entry right after the operation back in May and never talked too much about it after that. Sorry again. LES BONES NOTÍCIES SÓN QUE EL MIKE HA PORTAT EL MARCAPASSOS DIAFRAGMÀTIC 24 HORES AL DIA EL DARRER MÉS I MIG (CREC). AIXÒ HA MILLORAT MOLTÍSSIM LA QUALITAT DE LA SEVA RESPIRACIÓ PERQUÈ EL SEU DIAFRAGMA REALMENT ES MOU. A MÉS A MÉS, HI HA ACTIVITAT RESPIRATÒRIA (SEMPRE N’HI HA HAGUT), SOBRE TOT EN EL SEU PULMÓ DRET. DE FET, AIXÒ JA HO VAIG ESMENTAR A L’ENTRADA DEL FACEBOOK JUSTAMENT DESPRÉS DE LA INTERVENCIÓ, EL PASSAT MES DE MAIG, I NO EN VAIG PARLAR MASSA DESPRÉS. HO SENTO. There is definitevily room for improvement, but his inmune system has to be strong enough to fight, as it has been up until now. By giving Mike good food and good company, I am sure we can achieve that. Mike has already undergone a lot, but I am sure we will find a balance between the life he has now at home and keeping all these medical complications away from us. ÉS BEN SEGUR QUE HI HA ESPAI PER MILLORAR LA SEVA CONDICIÓ, PERÒ EL SEU SISTEMA INMUNITARI HA D’ESTAR PROU FORT PER LLUITAR, TAL I COM HO HA ESTAT FINS ARA. PROPORCIONANT-LI BON MENJAR I BONA COMPANYIA, ESTIC SEGURA QUE HO ACONSEGUIREM. EL MIKE JA HA PASSAT MOLTES COSES, PERÒ ESTIC SEGURA QUE TROBAREM UN BON EQUILIBRI ENTRE LA VIDA QUE PORTA ARA I LES COMPLICACIONS MÈDIQUES QUE PUGUIN VENIR EN EL FUTUR.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:26:03 +0000

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