I am stunned to see some of the headlines.regarding.. a health - TopicsExpress


I am stunned to see some of the headlines.regarding.. a health economist, Jonathan Gruber about him referring the general public .. . Stupid Americans.. and his use of -- Comic Book to explain.. Affordable Care Act – by I am an independent, rather conservative leaning with socially liberal person. Having observed the effective use of Manga/Pictogram and Comics in Japan.. Saying making comic == imply Stupid American.. === just another quick sensationalism. First of all if all the legislative bodies had a chance to READ the comic .. -- the law makers would have been better off.. .. Just who would READ the full 974 pages of this legislative monsters.. you do not have to be STUPID to be perplexed by this legislative monster.. -- Even smart people will have hard time READING THIS.. if you doubt it READ IT I am all for COMIC/Manga or visual and audio enhancement for improvement of knowledge transfer.. -- Story or information is best passed on with some memory markers.. ie visual and audio .. marker.. It is simple matter of cognitive memory retention.. My issue with Affordable Care Act.. -- it is not appropriately named.. it is rather Semi- universal coverage.. without cost or quality implication.. it is a pity sounds bite the most attention.. if the people who reads comics/manga are stupid.. many Japanese people must be stupid? youtu.be/sy-FQcXe1Lk housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 23:44:51 +0000

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