I am supposed to post 6 fun facts people dont know. I have to say - TopicsExpress


I am supposed to post 6 fun facts people dont know. I have to say Ive enjoyed the learn about me FB game more than the giraffe thing. There are some interesting people in my acquaintance-sphere! 1. At 23, on the eve of the first government shutdown, November 13, 1995, I met President Bill Clinton, less than 48 hours before the first Monica Lewinsky encounter. Coulda been me causing all the trouble. Just saying. - with Selma Smith 2. I have a document on my computer called My Bucket List with one item on it, Hold a baby lamb. 3. On Sunday, September 9, 2001, my friend Joe and I were studying in Central Park and he said, Its almost too perfect, like something really bad is about to happen. That night I dreamt that a tall building fell over and made a bridge across the East River. People were climbing out of the windows and walking to Brooklyn. 4. Never have I ever ... played baseball. I have ... had a true vision of the Virgin Mary. 5. My favorite animals: Dogs, reindeer, porpoises, flamingoes, turtles. Least favorite (same as everyone?): Mosquitoes, aggressive baboons, skinks, buzzards, leeches. 6. The last time I saw my dad he had surprised me by coming to Birmingham-Southern to try to fix my car, which was stuck in reverse. So loving. If hed been better at auto repair and my car had not been in the shop, there would not be the story that a lot of people know about Molly Ihlbrock volunteering to drive me to Mobile the following Saturday morning when my sister called and said Come home, Daddy had a heart attack. Mollys quick generosity that day, her jokes keeping me unworried, her good-natured adventure getting back to Birmingham with her own broken-down car after leaving me at the hospital with my family, sticks with me. I was a mess and not able to adequately thank all the people who were so amazing then. But I have spent a long time trying to live up to the Molly-test when I see people in need. All-in.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 02:40:04 +0000

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