I am sure by know that my blog followers are concerned with the - TopicsExpress


I am sure by know that my blog followers are concerned with the prospect of a possible attack on law enforcement officer if Ofc Darren Wilson is not indicted for the shooting death of Michael Brown. Now, I know of everyone concerns and I couldnt be any more nervous especially due to the fact I have a lot at steak here also, my husband. It is because of him I decide to start this blog and open up a dialogue to all. Everyone deserves to be heard and we all are in this, I feel together. Tensions have been high in and around the city as well over here in the metro east area. People are watching what they say and how they say it. I look at the Ferguson situation in a good way.....now, I know you all are saying Is Peggys weave on too tight? Just hear me out. We would have never known the deep seeded resentment that ran through the minorities against the police. We would have never known of the way blacks look at whites in the manner that they do, the whole us against them, we would have never knew of the oppression that was felt by the people in Ferguson. But, does that give them the right to loot, steal and destroy? No. There IS no excuse for that kind of behavior under any circumstances. But, when we pull back the ugly veil of racism and its cousin rage. We are forced to address the issues that divide us. It should not have taken the death of Michael Brown to shine a spot light on what was right under our noses. You see, I live in suburbia so the effects of the destruction will not be immediately felt here where I live. But the effects will be felt in the inner city and most definitely Ferguson. The police departments have addressed the possibilities that if a verdict is rendered and it is in favor of Darren Wilson, they a prepared for the on slot of possible harm that might be fall them and surrounding police departments. I am drawn back to a saying my grandpa would say....if you are waiting peace, you most prepare for war and in the light of the Vonderritt Meyers shooting which was killed as you all know by another white officer. The question I pose is this one. Would we be facing visits from Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson if these shooting happened with a black officer? No, I dont think so. But, are the protesters demonstrating for equality? Or, are the protesting for police nullification and have no consequences when breaking the law. This was never about race, it was never about Michael Brown. I was about the police. Now, the black panther party are tell anyone that will listen that there WILL be a day of reckoning against the police if Darren Wilson is not indicted. And, my question will be. What will that solve? What will that prove? Who does it help? The ratio to white/black police officers is a rate of 70% white 30% black. lets say Ofc Wilson goes down for this you still have more white officers over black officers. Is the resentment for officers going to stop? No Do we give in to them because their threats of violence if Wilson walks? No. Do we open a dialogue of understanding and listen to their concern in a peaceful manner? Yes. I understand that the eyes of the nation is on us and they are watching to see how we handle this. In the same breath of saying this do WE lose our heads and given in to the panic that there is going to be a race war? No, we dont. There has been one race war in the metro area, 100 years ago, and that took place in East Saint Louis and close to 200 people died in the riot. It too was racial event and ugly scar in our areas history. Are we going to make this place better? Or, are we going to revisit the past? There are black people out there that want this to happen, there are white people out there that also are wanting this to happen and like the KKK are preaching of a race war. If you only have one side that are willing to fight? Then we need to have another side standing up for love and tolerance. W dont know what is going to happen in the days to come, we dont know what the verdict will be. All we can do is hope for the good in people, but I know I am being a optimist and I am hoping for peace. But, if we as the human race dont listen, learn and come together and put away our fears of one race or another, then people will die and more families will be torn apart. Our police force is one of the best in the country and they have a strong resolve for survival. Am I afraid? Yes. Every time he walks out that door, I hold my breath. The FBI, homeland security and other government agencies are aware of the threats the police are receiving, its not being over looked. But, we can NOT give in to fear and innuendos of what MIGHT not be. What we CAN do is keep talking, keep listening and keep understanding. Because to me condemning someone for the color of their skin is in face condemning one self. And that is where we are today. The greatest action we can demonstrate is compassion. My Thoughts.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 21:05:53 +0000

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