I am sure everyone has wondered why i have not put this on here - TopicsExpress


I am sure everyone has wondered why i have not put this on here before ...i just want to thank everyone for the prayer without yall and Gods good grace i would not be typing this but it took over four months bc i had to ask people what happend all i know is what i seen and what my family has told me. most of you all know my name is tashena i have a 4 year old daughter named aleigh and alot of family!!! before i got sick i attended school and took care of aleigh i was raised in church and went to many gospel singings growing up so i knew about God and i knew how to pray but as i got older i didnt fallow him as seriously as i should have but he has always been there i know he has ... on january 16th i laid a dear family member to rest i was so sick at the funeral i couldnt even sit through the service so that evening i went to sallisaw E.R. because i was weak and was having a hard time breathing. i was tested then for the flu and it was negative and the dr told me i must be getting over the flu so he gave me valum and sent me home i knew i was sick i was scared to take the meds because i was born with a heart murmur and ive always been scared to take stuff because my heart but i took a half of one and then went back home to tahlequah the next day i went to tahlequah city where they said the same thing as sallisaw by then i was worse so jan 19th ill never forget it i told my step dad while i cried i know somethings wrong its not the flu i cant breathe, i was so sick then i couldnt even dress myself and walking was work in itself but we decided to go to hasting indian medical center where i have went all my life for my heart and even small stuff like check ups. Hastings got me back to triage and what i thought would be a long wait was far worse than i could imagine all they did was check my blood pressure it was around 60/30 give or take and that started the tests 2ct scans,xray, and ekg later they come in to let me know they had found blood clots in my lungs which turned out to be a fungus, i had pnemonia, my galbladder was bad and that i was septic. Thats where the praying started for me but i started calling all my family to let them know what was going on really i just wanted everyone there because i was so scared. We knew i had heart problems and i was scared of hastings operating on me so we requested that i be sent to hillcrest so i can be seen by oklahoma heart too by then i could still remember what was going on but i was in and out i remember seeing my family and waiting on the ambulance to transport me to tulsa and praying my nana and papa came in and prayed over me right before i left hastings. I barely remember the ride to tulsa but i remember getting there into my own room and a nice warm bed slowly my family showed up and this is where i lost track of things. The last thing i remember was signing a paper for a test i cant tell you what test but i signed for it the rest was left for my family to fill me in on. January 21st my daughter turned 4 years old my sister says she helped me skype her so i could sing to her i dont remember but there is a picture for proof! I was then having breathing problems so by january 22nd they put me on a bi pap to help me breath and it wasnt working so they had to intubate me and put me on life support i do not remember any of this no pain or anything i was on life support for nearly 3 weeks remember seeing my mom teresa and aubrey(mom raye was there) looking at me trying to get me to write on a notepad and thats it. During the 3 weeks the team of doctors were in and out my kidneys had shut down, i had an infection around my heart, colapsed lung, gal bladder was dead and the chance at life according to the doctors were 10% my family and friends had been really put through all the pain because it was like i was napping!!! I woke up on a sunday in february, i was ready to come off the bed and go home to my daughter but i couldnt move my legs nor could i walk i was clearly too weak and my talk was a very low wisper but i still had a story to tell i faught through the scratch in my throaght to tell my family and a handful of hospital staff that i had seen heaven.... There was a bright light holding me that i knew was an angel it was not at all blinding but it was a perfect glow and i looked down to see the prettiest green pasture with a river running through it and a wooden dock setting on the river. the grass even glowed and the river was a deep blue but i could see through it and it looked like someone had poured glitter in it and what seemed like a split second of feeling at peace and not remembering i was sick or that i had even left my baby girl behind ended by a bold voice that i know was GOD say GO BACK, IM NOT DONE words ill never forget . I felt rejected because I wanted to stay but i woke up to a video my sister had played to me ...it was aleigh saying come home mama, get better mama. My body never hurt and I never had any pain I know GOD never let met me hurt!! I woke up to a room full of family and pop sicles!!! They all knew i would pull through and that i would have a story to tell so they also had stuff to tell me im sure i forget stuff so here is some.. My momma raye said she asked me the day before i woke up if i had been with jesus, she said i just looked at her and tears rolled down the side of my face before i closed them again. I have a cousin that was close to someone at the hospital(no names) later my cousin told me that she was informed i was the sickest person in that hopital and that the doctors said i wouldnt make it. My mom teresa said the sunday i woke up the doctor that gave me 10% chance to live told her it was a beautiful day. My kidneys were still not working so i still had to do dyalasis but i was so on fire for god and knew where my healing came from that i claimed the healing already but the doctor insisted we look at options to do them at home but i kept telling him my kidneys were healed...i cant even spell dyalasis haha because they took my port out after doing it four more times i was released on a friday and by that monday my kidneys worked 2xs what normal was!!! 60 is normal mine were 124!!!! My hair has even fallen out bc all the meds and stress my body went through but by the grace of GOD my hair is growing back!!! There is alot that i know i forgot and may have even left out but one bad part was i had a very hard time coming off the meds like morphine so i had to refuse them all and i did better without them i didnt sleep but i did better with just prayer and 2Timothy 1:7 for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind. i read this verse over and over just to keep from having panick attacks! Statistics show that the life suport (ARDS) alone has a 2% survival rate. When i was in my hospital room i witnessed to every single person that entered my room and told them my story and i still do to this day when im given the chance!!! I guess to sum all this up i came face to face with the devil but my GOD was there to pull me in and fight my battle and that God is still in the miracle working business nothing is ever to small for him and if he can pull me from 2% chance of living what do you think he can do for you???? P.S. It was very hard to put into words what i seen but its as good as its going to get as far as words!!! Here are some never before seen pictures to show you what i went through please feel free to share i hope my TRUE story shows you what God is and what he can do! He loves us and all he wants is for us to love him back if you love him the rest will fallow!! I just want everyone to know i give all the glory to GOD and i thank him every day for my second chance to fallow the path he has laid out for me and spend with my daughter, family, and friends! Im no where near perfect so praise god we have a forgiving father who loves us and again thank you and GOD BLESS YALL!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:00:58 +0000

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