I am sure many of you are aware of the deadly surface to air - TopicsExpress


I am sure many of you are aware of the deadly surface to air missle that shot down a commercial airliner, killing everyone aboard, and the invasion of the Israeli army into Gaza to put an end to ten days of missle atttacks from terrorists. As I listened to the details of the savage attack, I became acutely aware of how long nations have been at war, not too soon before I was born (1954) and after I was born. I grew up with survivors of World war One, World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afgan War, and the on going war on terror. Men war over dirt. Men war against tyranny. Men war to implement tyranny. Men war to impose their world view on others. Men war to impose their religion on others. Men war in the name of nationalism. Men war because they can. The dream of the United Nations after World War One was, the war to end all wars, and to usher in world peace, is not a dream, but a fantasy. We humans have a propensity for corruption of heart and mind. I ask you, what darkness possesses a soul to shoot down a commercial airliner? Or fly one into the world Trade Center? The same darkness that created the gas chambers to snuff out the lives of Jews, elderly people, handicapped people, and scores of others whose lives were deemed unworthy to exist in Hitlers mind. The same darkness in Iran that is planning to develop nuclear missles and use them on whomever they choose. The same darkness that kidnaps women in Africa and sells them into the slave trade. There is a prophecy concerning the coming of Abbas Son back to this earth to make things right. He is called, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Almighty God, Eternal Father. It struck me that we are are living in the converse of those characteristics. That men, filled with pride and selfish ambition manifest not as Eternal Father, but abusive father. Not as Prince of Peace, but, prince of wars, not as Almighty God,, but fallen, broken dangerous creatures, and not as Wonderful Counselor, but liars. No, our hope is not in men or women, but in this One who was prophesied to come. And why not now? Jesus said something interesting, You will not see me again, until you learn to CRY, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Experience is the harshest, but the best teacher! I dont know about you, but my cry is Come Lord Jesus! We need you to return! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! What if we all have settled in our hearts we have had enough of the madness and cry out everday for his coming? Would he come? I am confident he would!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:52:16 +0000

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