I am thankful to be alive and I am grateful to God for what we do - TopicsExpress


I am thankful to be alive and I am grateful to God for what we do have and I know things could be much worse but I seriously hate the financial mess cancer has left us. It has never been easy for us but we used to could do something like maybe take a short trip somewhere or like now when my husband and son could really use a extra rifle to hunt with to get us meat, I could have got the money together to get it or maybe afford to at least get a used truck for my husband and son to start a lawn business to earn extra money like they would like to do but not now. I had hoped to be able to enjoy life a little more after cancer but all we really get to do is live paycheck to paycheck and if we do anything extra like go to the fair on the square or maybe eat out because we work our ass off and at least deserve to do that some or buy my grandkids something not to mention the new one that is coming that I would love to get stuff for, anything extra and we pay for it by having to do without something we need. I could turn off the cable and internet like people like to tell us but it really would not knock a dent in it and that is all the hell we really have we have to sit home most of the time so I at least want to have something to watch for goodness sakes. I dont talk on here much because I am sure like usual there will be some smart comment about something I am saying but I just want to say you better prepare for an illness even if you never have one because if you survive it you will want to live and enjoy what life you have and if you already do not have much that will be very hard to do. God forgive me for complaining I am grateful to God I am not still fighting cancer and I hope I never do again but I am human and I get sick of how unfair things are sometimes like if you have or go through a serious illness it feels like you continue to be punished for it and your family has to pay too. I am really pissed off at Cancer today.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:12:32 +0000

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