I am thankful to say that God has broken the chains that nearly - TopicsExpress


I am thankful to say that God has broken the chains that nearly cost me my life, I am in the road to recovery because of his love for me. I made a deal with God, I was willing to seek help if he restored my relationship with him. He has so far he has filled me with desire and his love. God used a seemingly impossible situation to bring me back to him. In ways Im thankful for my eating disorder not the disease itself but the changes in my life that has happened as a result. I now realize If I fall I can get right back up and thank God for his mercy! Gods love for me is unfathomable I cant compare it with my ability to love. When I think of suffering I cant help on reflecting on Jesus, while on earth he was ridiculed &betrayed & put to death .. He really understands my pain. I remind myself that by enduring what hurts the most. I will reign with Christ one day, knowing that doesnt take the pain away but it gives meaning to it. I have surrendered & summited to God. My needs for money & the worlds approval & attention, are now placed with just needing Gods mercy & grace. Each of us is created with a God shape hole within us, we spend an awful lot of our lives trying to fill that empty space with other things but it never truly satisfies..its never enough... Its like trying to fill the ocean with a thimble. God is the only one big enough to fill that void. The devil wants to destroy the beautiful life God has for us so he trys to trap us in his lies and we end up in bondage. We need to stop listening to his lies & stop pouring fuel on them. Gods grace is enough to over come these lies. Replace those lies with the truth..through Christ we have been set free from the power of sin. The blood of Christ is sufficient to cover all my sins (John 1:7) there is NO sin that we have ever committed or a sin we could ever commit that cant be forgiven. We have the power to be set free from sin because of Jesuss death. Jesus didnt come down to this earth and die so we could live for ourself and our own pleasure, but so we could be free to live a life that pleases him. Pleasing God requires sacrifices but any sacrifice we make is temporary and can not be compared with the joy and fulfillment we will gain in eternity. Only through seeking God we can experience true happiness :) its not about me its all about him (Colossians 1:16) the world was NOT created to revolve around us. This entire universe was only created to revolve around Christ. For his pleasure and his glory. I am now at peace with my own spirit, Im not comparing what others have and I dont.... I have God & thats more than ANY desire of this world! Its hard to truly walk with God but I just keep in mind that my eternal salvation is worth every bit of effort. He is the truth. Trust in him
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:13:50 +0000

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